Leaving The Halls

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Valadhiel walked out into the courtyard, looking back at Kili and Fili with an amused smirk as Dis kept fretting over them. She could understand it, however. Dis had lost her husband, though she was unsure how. Her brother and sons were all she had left.

"Kili, you make sure to be careful- and don't get into any trouble!"

"Mother, I'm seventy seven years old. I can take care of myself." Kili assured his mother as he shouldered his pack.

"Fili, you watch over your brother, all right?"

"I won't leave his side. I promise." Fili replied with a nod, looking his mother in the eye so she'd know he was serious. His eyes also held a small amount of amusement.

Dis smiled before she chuckled. "I should know better. You two have been inseparable since the time Kili was born."

"You have nothing to worry about, little sis." Thorin told her, giving her a side hug.

Dis turned the side hug into a big hug instead. "You keep yourself out of trouble, too, you hear? Keep those boys safe. Lead your men like the king you are. And return to me safely, brother."

Thorin smiled and gently patted her back before he gently pushed her back from the hug and held both of her hands in both of his. "I'll be back before you know it. We all will."

"You all had better be." Dis murmured, then she looked at Kili and Fili before she slipped something into their hands. "Keep these with you. Not just for good luck, but as a promise. Promise me that you will return."

"I promise, Mom." Kili told her, then he smiled and pulled her into a hug, then looked up when Fili joined into the hug, then when Thorin joined the three. "You have nothing to worry about."

Dis bit her lower lip to keep herself from breaking down into tears, and to keep herself from telling them exactly why she had everything to worry about, but she refrained and just nodded her head, hugging her sons and her brother in return. "Thorin, if you die, I'll kill you."

Thorin chuckled in amusement. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind." He replied, then he pulled away from the hug, playfully tugged at Dis' beard, then turned to all of his men. When they all nodded to him, he looked at Kili and Fili again. "Let's set out, sister-sons."

Valadhiel, who was waiting next to Balin, one of the older and wiser dwarves she'd taken a liking to, watched the little family as they said their goodbyes. She smiled a little, then looked down, the twinkle that had been in her eyes fading away. When she realized that Balin was looking at her curiously, she forced her sadness down and smiled at him before she looked up at Thorin again.

Once Kili and Fili had said a final goodbye to their mother, they joined the throng of dwarves and began walking to the stables, where the dwarves all got ponies, as well as extra ponies for luggage. Once they had their ponies, they made their way to the end of Frerin's Courtyard, where they would walk down a stone path and into the Vale Of Thrain.

"She worries about us way too much." Kili groaned, though he wasn't complaining, and looked more amused than anything.

"Well, she has lost many loved ones already, Kili. Keep that in mind." Balin reminded the youngster.

Valadhiel smiled. "Just be glad that you have a mother to worry over you." She added. "It could be worse."

"True." Kili replied, looking over at Valadhiel with a smile. "I do love my mother, and I am glad I've got her."

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