Chapter 12

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"Key is also studying here." Tzuyu said as they are now walking inside Konkuk University.

"The Guy earlier?."


"Ah. I see."

Tzuyu accompany Mina at the Main Building and luckily the Director of the University saw Mina.



"I'm Mr.Kim your father is one of my friend. He messaged me earlier and he inform me that you will going to visit here."

"It's nice meeting you Mr.Kim."

Mr.Kim tour them at the school especially to Mina's department and after that Tzuyu and Mina decided to visit the soccer field and watch some game.

"Here." Tzuyu bought some snacks for them.

"Thank you."

"Do you like here???." Tzuyu asked.

"Uhm, yeah. The school is big."

"Why don't you study in Hanlim instead of here?? All your friends are there."

"My father want me study here."

"It's your dad's order."


"Don't worry, I'm sure you will find many more friends here."

"I hope so. Uhm, Tzu can I ask something?."

"Sure go ahead."

"The person you like. Is it Sana ~ Chan?."

Tzuyu looks at Mina and smile. "Why are you so interested in my love life Ms.Myoui?."

"I'm just asking." Mina pout.

"Yeah, It's Sana."

"I'm right."

"What do you mean?.."

"Because the way you stare at her earlier, it's really different. I mean there's something special."

"It's so nice that you notice that, because Sana doesn't."

"Didn't you ask her if she likes you too ???."

"No, because it's obvious already. She likes Key and she told me that she's not into girls."

"But I think Sana ~ Chan likes you."

Tzuyu suddenly looks at Mina.

"That's impossible." Tzuyu smile.

"Why? I noticed how Sana ~ Chan looks at you earlier. Her eyes are full of sadness."

"Sana doesn't like me, that's the truth Mina please don't gave me hope."

"Sorry.." Mina lowered her head as she suddenly feel embarrassed.


Tzuyu notice that Mina is quite since earlier probably because of what she said so instead of driving back to their unit Tzuyu decided to bring Mina in a restaurant.

"What are we doing here??." Mina curiously asked.

"Uhm, we will going to eat."

"Ah okay.."

When they are currently waiting for their food Tzuyu decided to break the silence.

"Why are you quite?." Tzuyu asked.

"Huh? Uhm, nothing."

"Sorry if you feel embarrassed earlier, I didn't mean to say that."

"It's okay. I shouldn't interfere in your private life. It's my fault." Mina said as she just smile to Tzuyu.

SHE'S THE ONE - SATZU (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now