Chapter 41

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It's been 4 days already since Tzuyu arrived in Korea. Chou family held a short funeral for Mrs.Chou before they will bring back her ashes in Taiwan.

"I'm getting worried to Tzuyu. She Haven't speak anythin since she came back." Nayeon said as she look at Tzuyu entertaining  some business man who attend the funeral of her grandmother.

"I think there's something happen when she meet Sana in New York."

"What do you mean?." Momo asked Jeongyeon.

"Sana blocked all of us, I'm sure she blocked Tzuyu as well.."

"Let's give Tzuyu some space. She's in pain right now. We need to stay at her side. She needs us."

"Jihyo is right."


"Tzu, you haven't eaten anything yet since this morning. You should eat first. Let us entertain the visitor for you."

"It's okay, Dahyun Unnie. I actually don't have appetite."

"Tzu. We are getting worried for you."

Tzuyu looks at Chaeyoung and she can't hold her emotions anymore as her tears slowly fall from her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Tzuyu said as she wipes her tears..

"Tzu ..."

"I-I just can't believe that Nainâi left me already. She's the only person who understands me. She's the one who takes care of me since when I was a child. She's the most important person in my life.

I just wouldn't have wasted my time going to New York to see and chase Sana.  if I hadn't gone I would have been with Nainâi I would have been there next to her while she was having a hard time."

Dahyun and Chaeyoung suddenly feel bad seeing their friend in pain. They really feel the pain and agony that Tzuyu feels at the moment. They can't even ask the latter if she meet Sana or not.

"Tzuyu ~ ah, your parents are here." Nayeon said.

"Tzuyu.." Mrs.Chou immediately hugs her daughter..

"Mom.." This time Tzuyu cry heavily. "Nainâi is gone. She's gone..."

"Shhhhh...." Mrs.Chou try to comfort her daughter..

Meanwhile Tzuyu's friends including the Unnies shed a tears too the moment they witness the Chou Family breakdown because of Mrs.Chou's passing.



Meanwhile, after Sana's class Key quickly picked her up and they went to the cafe.

"I'm sorry but your friends haven't response to the message I sent to them." Key said.

"You don't need to message them Oppa. If they don't want to respond then I won't force them."

"What do you mean?."

"Probably you're right, they don't understand me. If they mad at me because I left them without words then it's mean they don't understand me."

"How about Tzuyu???."

Sana suddenly stop thinking when Key mention Tzuyu to her.

"Oppa, let's not talk about her."

"Sure, I'm sorry. So, How's your class?."

"It's good, studying here helps me forget everything."

"Yeah, that's good to hear. Forget everything Sana. Forget those people who hurt you."

Meanwhile, Key remember something that Minho told him the other day.

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