Chapter 14

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"Tzu, are you okay?." Mina asked.

Tzuyu took a deep breath before she smile to Mina. "I'm fine."  She answer.

"Just don't mind that guy, I think he just want to annoyed you earlier."

"I'm sorry if uouy feel uncomfortable earlier because of him."

"It's alright, It seems Sana Unnie was feel uncomfortable earlier too."

"That guy is such a jerk, he's so talkative."

"Yeah I noticed it as well. I don't know that man very well yet but I don't think I want to meet him anymore I feel uncomfortable with him I don't know what Sana Chan liked about that guy.."

"Your friend is just too blind."

"Yeah maybe.."

"I'll just gonna wait you in my room. I will cook some food for you." Tzuyu said.

"Okay, I will just gonna arrange all the clothes we bought earlier."

"Okay." Tzuyu smile at Mina before they enter to their respective rooms.


Tzuyu quickly change before she went to the kitchen to cook some dish when suddenly she hear her intercom beep outside so she check it and open the door knowing that it would be Mina.

"I'll just gonna cook - .." Tzuyu wasn't be able to finish what she was trying to say when she was surprised to see Sana infront of her. "S-Sana.."

Sana didn't speak as she was just staring at Tzuyu..

"W-What are you doing here?."

"Are you disappointed that I'm not Mina???." Sana asked.

"Huh? Uhmm, I-I just didn't expect to see you. What are you doing here???."

"I want to talk to you."

"About what???."

"Don't you have any plan to let me inside your unit??."

"Ah, come in."

Sana enter Tzuyu's unit for the first time and the moment she enter Sana suddenly feel comfortable.

"You're cooking?."

"Yeah. I will have my lunch with Mina."



"You will let her inside your unit?."

"Sure, why not?.."

Sana's expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?."

"I'm not and I don't know why."


"What did you do to me???."

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything."

"I feel annoyed and irritated."

"Of me??."

"I don't know 😐.."

"You came here just to tell me that???."

"No." Sana pout and seated at the couch.

"Why are you here then? What are we going to talk about ???."

"I thought you like me?."

"Yeah I do." Tzuyu immediately answer.

"Then why you keep hanging out with Mina????."

SHE'S THE ONE - SATZU (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now