Chapter 61

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Tzuyu went to Key's unit alone. When she arrived there, she exactly saw Key leaving his place. She hide immediately until Key drive away.

Tzuyu went to his unit and the door was lock. It will be such a waste  of time if she will guess the passcode so she get the fire extinguisher from the corner and she slammed it hard to through the door. She slammed it from how many times, and finally after some minutes she broke it.

Tzuyu immediately turned the lights and she search for Sana. When she opened Key's room there she saw Sana lying on the floor while her hands are tied on the legs of the cabinet.


"Tzuyu ~ ah.." Sana burst into tears the moment she saw Tzuyu.

"Sana.." Tzuyu immediately hugs her..

"W-Why are you here? H-How did you know that I'm here."

"Minho personal talk to me and he told me that Key is taking you as an hostage."

"Key, Might see you. Just leave me here Tzuyu."

"No, I will take you." Tzuyu said as she stands up and immediately untied Sana..

"Can you walk??.."

Sana nod, and Tzuyu help and guide her until they reached the parking lot and when Tzuyu was about to open the door,  Sana notice a shadow of a man slowly walking from them..

She slowly turned around and her eyes went wide the moment she saw Key..

"Tzuyu ~ ah.."

Key get his gun and aim to Tzuyu and he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. 

"No!!." Sana immediately blocked the bullet for Tzuyu.

Seconds later Tzuyu was surprised when some blood splattered to her face and body..


Tzuyu's world suddenly stop when she saw Sana lying on the floor covered by her own blood.



Tzuyu woke up in the middle of the night because of that nightmare, she held her chest and slowly catching her breath.

"Sana.." she mumbled.

Morning, She didn't waste anymore time so she called Sana's friends and she inform them about Sana.

"WHAT?????." Momo was suddenly surprised because of what Tzuyu just said.

"I will go there right now Unnie, I want you to call some police because I'm afraid that Key might have some weapon.

"Tzuyu ~ ah, we already called some police." Jihyo said.

"Tzuyu. Are you sure you will go there??? People will recognize you."

"Manager ~nim, I don't care about people. Sana is there and she needs me. I need to help her."

"Tzuyu ~ ah I will go with you. you guys just stay here." Jeongyeon said before she looks at Jihyo, Momo and Nayeon.

Around 2PM when they already went to Key's unit the police officer knock on his door and seconds later the door open it and it was Key who open it..

"Good afternoon."

"What do you need???."

"We got some information that you're taking Ms.Minatozaki Sana being your hostage here inside your unit."

"What??. Why will I hostage my fiance?. She's not here." Key said.

"We have permission to search your unit." The police officer said as he show the paper to Key.

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