Chapter 58

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"Are you okay?." Momo asked as she noticed that Sana feels tense. They are currently at Momo's place and they're waiting for Mina to arrived.

"I'm nervous." Sana said.

"You're just going to talk. Mina loves you, I'm sure she will understand you."

"I hope so."

"But, Are you really sure that you're happy and you're okay that Mina and Tzuyu are getting married?."

"Momo ~ ya, Tzuyu doesn't love me anymore. It's all my fault, Everything is my fault and I regret leaving her that time but Tzuyu deserves to be happy too."

"Sana I know you well. You're hiding something from us. If you're really happy with Key then why you still affected to Tzuyu? And you don't look happy tho."

"Maybe this is the consequences of my mistake." Sana painfully smile.

While they're talking they hear the intercom beep, so Momo immediately check who it is and it was Mina..

"Momo ~ Chan.."

"You're here." Momo open the door for her.

When Mina get inside she immediately saw Sana at the living room.

"S-Sana ~ Chan.."

Sana genuinely smile to Mina.


"Uhm, I know that you guy's need to talk so. I will just go outside and leave you alone. I will give you some privacy, Don't fight and behave okay?."

"Arasso, Momo ~ ya.." Sana said.

When Momo leave them the whole living room cover with silent. They're both feel nervous and shy towards each other and no one dares to talk..

"Did I disturb you today?."Sana asked.

"No Sana ~ Chan. I don't really have schedule today."

"How are you?."

"I'm doing good."

"Sorry." Sana said.

"F-For what?."

"For treating you like you're not my friend the moment I came here."

"No, It's okay Sana ~ Chan I understand. I know you surprised as well knowing that I'm in a relationship with Tzuyu already. I should be the one who says sorry because I didn't be able to control my feelings I let myself to fall in love with Tzuyu."

"At first, I was really upset and irritated because I feel that you betrayed me but then, I realized that Tzuyu loves you. I put a lots of heart aches to Tzuyu and you're there to comfort her. I'm so thankful for that Mina because you didn't leave Tzuyu."

Mina smile. "Tzuyu is  a very nice person Sana ~ Chan. She's very sweet and loving person as well. I always feel happy whenever I'm with her, She never failed to put smiles in my face everyday and I feel safe with her."

"I can't complaint for that all what you said is true. My mistake is I easily let go of her because of my reckless action, I lost her."

"I love her Sana ~ Chan, I hope you accept our relationship I hope I still be your friend after this."

"Sana smile and hugs Mina as her tears starts to flow from her eyes.

"You will always be my friend Mina. Don't worry because, I will not going to take Tzuyu away from you." Sana close her eyes as her heart stings a lot. "You deserve both each other Mina~ya.."

"Sana ~ Chan.."

"Sorry.." Sana wipes her tears before she smile. "Don't worry, because I already talked to Tzuyu and you know what you're so lucky because she choose you. She choose you Mina. Tzuyu loves you so much she care about you."

A moment later after they talk Sana get up as she wanted to leave already..

"I-I have to go now Mina."

"Sana ~ Chan." Mina Get Up.


"Are you okay???."

Sana smile. "Yeah.."

Mina notice some bruise's on Sana's arms but she didn't asked the latter because  she doesn't have any guts to ask  her.

"What is it Mina ~ ya?."

"I have a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"Do you still love Tzuyu??."

"I won't deny it Mina. Yes, I still love Tzuyu.  But don't worry because I don't have any intentions to ruin your relationship with her. She's now happy with you Mina, I don't want to be selfish this time because Tzuyu deserves to be happy too."

"Are you happy???." Mina suddenly asked and this made Sana didn't be able to response.


The moment Sana came back to her unit, she immediately saw Key waiting for her.

"Where did you go?." He asked.

"I meet Momo and Mina today."

"Are you sure?."

"Oppa, please don't asked if you will not going to believe it."

"Why did you meet them?."

"I don't think you need to know."


"I will gonna talk to our parents as well. I will back out on our wedding."

"What? You can't do that Sana!."

"Oppa, I don't love you. We tried but our relationship didn't work. I still love Tzuyu, but don't worry because I will not going back to her. She's happy now with Mina. Just let me go already, I want to be happy too. I want to start a new life again. Without you, Without Tzuyu. Please Oppa, I'm begging you right now.."

"No!.." Key furiously pulled Sana's hair. "You will not going to leave me! You're mine Sana!!!."

"Oppa.." Sana this time burst into tears especially when Key drag her on the room. 


Meanwhile, Mina is looking at her window she's in a deep thought until she get something on her pocket.

"Our dinner is ready.."

When Mina hear Tzuyu's voice she immediately hide the thing and face her.

"Are you okay?."

"Yeah." Mina just smile.

"Let's go. Let's eat. I cook your favorite food."


While they're having their dinner Tzuyu notice that there something wrong on Mina. She's quite and she looks gloomy.

"Mina, is there something wrong?."

Mina looks at Tzuyu. "I just feel tired."

"Don't worry after this you can take some rest."


"Do you want me to stay here tonight?."

"But you have schedule tomorrow."

"Yeah but it's in the afternoon so I will stay here."


Tzuyu held Mina's hand. "After this go to your bed and take some rest. Let me wash the dishes."

"Is it okay?."

"Of course (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') .."

"I will make it up to you tomorrow. "

"Sure 😊❤️.."


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