Chapter 33

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The moment when Tzuyu found out that Sana had talked to her father again and he did not agree for her to continue her studies in Korea, Tzuyu immediately went to Sana's unit.

"Momo ~ Unnie.."

"Tzuyu ~ ah, Sana doesn't want to come out to her room. I've been knocking since earlier."

"I will try to talk to her Unnie."


Tzuyu walks closer to Sana's room and she tried to knock.

"Love. I'm here. Please open the door. Sana???."

Seconds later the door open and Sana came out from her room.

"Sana ~ ya.." Momo suddenly pity her friend since it's her first time seeing Sana cry.

"Tzuyu 🥺.." Sana immediately hugs Tzuyu.

"Shhhhh, stop crying now.."

"Dad didn't allow me.." Sana said between her sob. "I really hate him." She added.

"Let's just respect his decision love it's for future. Don't worry because I'm just here."

Tzuyu comfort Sana and minutes later Sana fall asleep already because of tiredness..

"I love you ( ˘ ³˘)♥.." Tzuyu mumbled as she kissed Sana's forehead before leaving the room.


"Komawo Unnie because you were here earlier."

"I visit her because we will just about to hangout when her father suddenly call. I didn't know that Sana will fly to NY after the graduation, she haven't tell me anything."

"Because she doesn't want to leave Unnie." Tzuyu said as she seated in the couch.

"How about you? Is it okay with you that she's going to New York?."

"To be honest No but she will leave for her future and I don't want to stop that. I can wait, it's just only one year."

"Just talk to her later okay? I'm so grateful because you are such a understanding person. I hope Sana will accept this soon."

"Even if we separate, Unnie, we will always still communicate to each other.  I promised that to her.  I will call her every day even if it is difficult because she will leave me here alone I will endure it, I know that the day will come when she will return."

"We are just here for the both of you Tzu.."

"I know Unnie and I really appreciate it."

After talking to Tzuyu and knowing that Sana is okay already Momk finally take her leave.

Meanwhile, Tzuyu prepare some food for Sana and exactly a moment later Tzuyu feel a two hands slowly sliding through her waist behind her.

"Hi, Love.." Tzuyu said.

"I love you." Sana said in a lowered voice as she lean her head to Tzuyu's back."

Tzuyu turned around to face the latter.

"I love you more ( ˘ ³˘)♥.."

"Can you stay just here???."

"I will. Are you feeling bette now???."

"I can't do anything but to follow my Dad's order 🥺 I'm sorry if I need to leave you.."

"Shhhhhh.. you don't have to say sorry. It's okay and I understand. I will wait you here, I promise that."

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