Chapter 31

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Tzuyu is currently with Dahyun and Chaeyoung and they're now having their archery practice.

"So, How's Sana Unnie?." Chaeyoung asked.

"She's still thinking about us being separated for 1 year."

"One year is too long Tzu." Dahyun said.

"I know, But It's her dad's order and it's for her future. I can't object."

"So, It's that okay for you?."

"For her future yes, beside I promise to her that even we are miles apart we will still communicate every day.."

"That's too hard. I don't want to be in a long distance relationship with my partner." Dahyun said.

"Well, Momo Unnie is just here." Chaeyoung said.

"We are just friends."


"We are just close, you guy's are the one who assume that we are romantically in love with each other." Dahyun explain.

"Anyway, Tzu are you going with Sana? Jeongyeon Unnie are inviting us to have a trip in Jeju before their graduation."

"Nayeon Unnie mention it to me, Yeah maybe. I will talk to Sana later."

After their practice they was about to have their lunch but suddenly they bumped into Nancy..

"Hi, Tzu.." Nancy immediately cling her hands to Tzuyu's arms.

"Nancy. What are you doing here?." Tzuyu asked as she slowly remove Nancy's hand from her arms.

"I was about to watch your practice but seems like it's done already."

"We will going to have our lunch. We have to go." Tzuyu said.

"Can I join you guys???." Nancy asked. "Please???." Nancy looks at Chaeyoung. "Chaeyoung???."

"Sure, Nancy.." Chaeyoung said and this made Tzuyu and Dahyun looks at her.

Even Tzuyu is against that Nancy will joining them she didn't be able to protest since Chaeyoung agreed already.

They went to the nereast cafe and Tzuyu keep distancing herself to Nancy since the latter keeps moving closer to her.

"You didn't attend class??." Dahyun asked Nancy.

"No, we don't have class.." Nancy said.

"Uhmm, I have to go now.."

"You still didn't finish your food."

"I have an appointment with Sana so I'll gonna headed first."

"Oh, okay. Drive safe Tzu."


Meanwhile, while Tzuyu is driving she received a message from Sana that she's currently waiting at Tzuyu's unit right now after she visted her grandmother.

After 30 minutes of driving Tzuyu finally arrived and she saw Sana watching some movies at the living room.

"Hi Love." Sana greeted the latter..

"Hey.." Tzuyu seated beside Sana and hugs her.

"You came home early. I thought you still have class this afternoon??." Sana asked.

"I decided not attend."


"Nancy keeps bothering me."

"What? 😑😑.."

"Relax, don't worry I'm keeping my distance to her."

"That girl .." Sana's expression suddenly changed. "Did you meet her earlier?."

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