Chapter 15

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"Momo ~ ya why you didn't tell me that Mina and Tzuyu will going here?????."

Sana was complaining to Momo when Mina and Tzuyu arrived at the Orphanage.

"I don't know okay, Jeongyeon didn't mention it to me last night."


"Why is your face like that? So what if they were here???."

"I don't know." Sana said as she just walks away.

"Momo ~ Chan..." Mina and Tzuyu walks closer to Momo after they finish giving all the clothes to the kids.

"Mina ~ Chan ( ◜‿◝ ).."

"Hi, Momo Unnie.."

"Hi, Tzuyu. I didn't expect that you will guys go here. Where's Jeongyeon?."

"She's on her way now Unnie. She woke up late..."

"I see."

Momo notice that Tzuyu is looking around seems like she's looking for someone.

"Are you looking for Sana?."

"Uhmm, I just saw her earlier."

"She went there." Momo pointed the garden.


Mina looks at Tzuyu.

"You want to talk to her???." Mina asked.

"Uhmm, I don't know if she wanted to talk to me??."

"I'm sure she likes to talk to you. You know Sana is really stubborn and she can't easily make decisions but deep inside on her she's soft."

"Momo ~ Chan is right." Mina said.

"I'll just gonna talk to her later."

When Jeongyeon arrived they start feeding the children already.

Mina and Sana are putting some soup in the mini bowl while the three girls are gently giving it to the kids.

Sana is still feel irritated especially when she noticed some staff staring and giggling to Tzuyu and gets more annoyed when Tzuyu looks at them and smile.

"Ouch." Sana accidentally touch her hand to the large pots.

All the people inside the Orphanage looks at her.

"What happened?????." Momo asked.

Tzuyu looks at her worriedly she wanted to check her but her feet can move.

"Sana ~ Chan are you okay??."

"Yeah. I just accidentally touch the pots"

"Ya, Sana please be careful and focus on what you were doing." Jeongyeon said.

"How can this pretty Unnie focus if she keeps looking to that beautiful tall Unnie." The cute little girl said as she pointed Tzuyu.

"Eh?." Jeongyeon looks at Tzuyu and the latter looks at Sana.

"I-I'm not looking at her." Sana pout as she lowered her head.

"Ms.Minatozaki, we can assit you in the clinic." The head of the Orphanage said.

"No, I'm fine."

They continue serving the food and after that they take some rest..

Tzuyu saw Mina sitting at the bench near the playground so she walks closer to her..

"You okay??." Tzuyu asked.

"Yeah. I just talk to my dad. I told him that I'm at the Orphanage right now and he's happy."

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