Chapter 49

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while they are talking suddenly they hear a familiar voice.

"Momo, Unnie we're here."

"Tzuyu ~ ah.."

They all look at Mina and Tzuyu who just arrived at the moment.

Sana is the last one who looks at them, and the moment when she turned around Tzuyu and Mina was surprised to see her.

"T-Tzuyu ~ah Sana is here. She's back." Jeongyeon said.

Sana and Tzuyu stare at each other eyes until Sana's eyes landed on Mina and Tzuyu's hand that is intertwined with each other.

Sana smile as she looks at Tzuyu. "Hi, Tzuyu. It's been a while. How are you?."

"I'm good. I'm doing good Sana."

"Yeah obviously.." Sana said as her eyes landed on Mina.

"I'm happy to see you again Sana ~ Chan.." Mina walks closer to Sana and hugs her but the latter didn't hug her back. 

Meanwhile, their friends notice the tension between Sana and Tzuyu so they decided to light up the mood.

"Ah, Guys. Let's eat. Jeongyeon bakes some cake." Nayeon said.

Tzuyu and Mina seated beside Nayeon while Sana seated beside Momo.

When they were on the table now the awkwardness is still there's no one dares to talk.

Mina lowered her head as she can feel that Sana is looking at her, and Tzuyu notice it so she immediately held Mina's hand under the table and this made the latter look at her.

Tzuyu smile. "It's okay, I'm here," Tzuyu said and this made Mina feel safe.

"Uhmm, Sana what's the important thing you will gonna say???." Jeongyeon asked.

"Uhm, actually that's why I came back here is because I wanted to see you guys and I wanted to invite all of you to my wedding."

"W-Wedding???." Nayeon surprisingly asked.

While Tzuyu looks suddenly looks at Sana when she hears her announcement.

"You're getting married???." Jihyo asked.

"Yeah, with Key."

Momo is just quite at the corner as she already knows about the announcement.

"I hope you will attend Tzuyu.."

Tzuyu smile. "Sure, if you will give me an invitation then I will attend your wedding."

"That's good to hear."

While they are talking Mina excuse herself as she went to the bathroom.

When suddenly when she was about to go out now, she saw Sana.

"Sana ~ Chan."

"Can we talk?."


"I thought were friends Mina.."

"We are.."

"Then why did you accept Tzuyu in your life? You know what she did to me."

"Sana ~ Chan if you love Tzuyu that time you will gonna let her explain even its hurt but you didn't do that because you made a selfish decision. You just think of yourself that time you didn't think about Tzuyu."

"Ah, that's why you find an opportunity to get her. Is that it???."

"What is happening to you?.." Mina suddenly asked as she doesn't know Sana anymore. "You're not the Sana I know before," Mina added.

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