Chapter 59

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It's been a week already since they didn't be able to contact Sana and Momo is getting worried to her already.

"I can't contact her. I went to her unit but she's not there." Momo frustratedly said.

"Did you call her parents already?." Jihyo asked.

"Yeah, and they told me that they still have contact with Sana and she's fine."

"What?. But why is Sana not responding to all of us? I mean like what happened before?." Jeongyeon said.

"I think Key is all behind of this. I'm afraid that she's hurting Sana."

"Wait.." Jeongyeon's eyes gets wide. "The last time we saw Sana she has bruises on her arms."

"Really?." Nayeon asked.

"Yeah, Momo saw it too but Sana told us that she just slipped in the floor."

"That's kinda suspicious." Jihyo mumbled.

"How about Key? Did you contact him???."



Meanwhile, Key brought Sana in her unit. She tied her up inside her room.

"I told you to eat!." Key shouted at her the moment she saw that Sana didn't eat the food he gave to her earlier.

"I don't have appetite."

Key clinched his fist. "Eat this food. When I come back here I don't want to see this food so eat it because if you don't. You know what will happen." Key said as he furiously leave the room..

"S-Sana is there???." Minho asked but Key didn't answer. "Ya, Hyung. What you're doing is not right. Just let Sana go." Minho said as he was about to go inside Key's room but.

"Try to go there and you know what will gonna happen to you, after."

After hearing this, Minho step back as he was also afraid of Key.

"Let's go." Key said as they both leave.

The moment they leave Sana  break down as she burst into tears.


"Why you seems excited today?." Tzuyu's manager asked.

"I have a date with Mina today, after her fan signing event."



"So, How's your proposal to her?."

"I'm currently working on it Manager ~ nim."

"Arasso, I wish you luck Tzuyu ~ ah."

"Komawo (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') .."


Evening, finished her shooting first before she went to the restaurant where Mina reserved their table.

"Hi 😊.." Tzuyu greeted her and kiss her on the cheeks.

"Did you finish your shooting?."

"Yes. Uhm, Why there's no people here?." Tzuyu asked as she noticed that there's not people inside.

"I rent the entire restaurant."


"I want to be with you and I want to spend this night with you alone, and This might be our last date so I want this special night to be romantic."

"Huh?, What are you saying?." Tzuyu starts to confused.. "This might be our last date? What do you mean by that?..."

Mina smile as she held Tzuyu's hand.

"Can we just eat first?." She asked.


Tzuyu already feel that there's something wrong but she just continue to eat and after they have their dinner Mina starts to talk.

"How's your day?."

"Good, I'm actually tired but when you told me that we will going to have a date I immediately regain my energy."

"Tzuyu ~ ah.."


"You know how much I love you right?."

"I know."

"You will always remain to be the brightest and most beautiful star in my world, Things were never meant to be this way, I never thought I’d see this day. Tzuyu ~ ah, Let's stop this."

Tzuyu's ears perked on what she sudden hear from Mina.

"What did you just say?."

"You hear it right, I want to end our relationship."

"But why? What did I do??."

"Tzuyu ~ I know we had a wonderful chemistry and We had our shares of joy and love, I don't want to hurt you but.." Mina smile in pain. "But, I'm doing it now."


Mina slowly get the thing from her pocket and Tzuyu was suddenly surprised to see Sana's bracelet.

"This, is the - H-how... Why did you have this???." Tzuyu asked.

"The bracelet on Key is fake."


"1 week ago, Nancy meet me and she told me everything. I-I didn't know, I didn't know that Sana ~ Chan is your childhood friend." Mina wanted to cry but she composed herself not to.

"Is that matter Mina?."

"It is. Because until now, Sana ~ Chan loves you. Nancy told me everything, About the kissed. She put something in your drink because it's Key's order. About the bracelet Key asked Nancy to get it from your locker, Nancy is the one who get it but she didn't give the authentic bracelet to Key because she knows Key's well."


"Tzuyu ~ ah, I want you to fix your relationship with Sana ~ Chan, I know you still love her."

"I don't. I love you Mina."

"Don't lie on yourself Tzuyu ~ ah, before it's too late. Don't worry about me because I'm fine, I'm willing to sacrifice just to fix everything, so please I'm begging you to fix everything Tzuyu. Sana ~ Chan deserve the truth, You deserve the truth you both deserve each."

"Mina, I don't get it. You're just joking right? You can't do this to me."

"I only have a one request, please don’t blame yourself for anything. I’m ending this relationship because I want you to fix  everything."

"I can't accept this."

Mina stand up as she gently touch Tzuyu's face.

"I love you but I have to set you free to fix everything.  Tzuyu I know that even if you don't admit to me you still love Sana ~ Chan.  two years have been wasted because of a misunderstanding that happened, Both of you have been hurt, so it's only right that we have to fix the misunderstanding that happened 2 years ago.  you are both victims here, I need you to open your heart and mind."

"I-I can't bear to lose you." Tzuyu said and this time her tears falls from her eyes. "You're hurting me Mina. Why are you hurting me like this?."

"If hurting you is the only way to put everything in order, I will not gonna hesitate to do it. Tzuyu ~ ah, I can say with all my heart, That I am happy  because I could get to know a person like you.."

"Mina.." Tzuyu burst into tears as she immediately hugs Mina tightly.. "Don't do this to me. Please Mina.."

"Tzuyu..." This time Mina's tears slowly fall from her eyes, she close it as she can feel the pain she put through Tzuyu's heart at the moment.


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