Chapter 32

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"Are you okay? What's wrong?." Sana asked when she noticed that Tzuyu is quite since earlier.


"Mina? What about Mina?."

"Mina is not living in her unit."


"I just talk to one of the staff earlier and she told me that Mina already move 3 days ago."

"Ah, then why are you so affected?."

Tzuyu suddenly looks at Sana.

"I feel like it's my fault that's why she move in another place."

"Your fault? Why did you do something?."


"Mina what???."

"Mina likes me."

"She likes you in what way?."

"Romantically. I hope you will not comfront her. Mina actually confess to me but I rejected her and she understands, she knows that I like you and even it's hard for her she take the risk to confess."

"I thought it's just only a simple crush." Sana said.


"Momo told me before that Mina has a crush on you. I didn't know that her feelings for you is growing to the point that she loves you already."

"Love, I already explain to her. Maybe Mina need some space. I just feel guilty because Mina is also my friend and I feel like I already broke our friendship."

"It's not your fault Tzuyu and it's not Mina's fault as well. I can't also blame Mina if she fall for you, you're very nice and you are very genuine. It's not hard to love you."

"What will I do???." Tzuyu asked.

"Like what you said Mina needs time. Don't worry because I will talk to her. Don't worry because I will not comfront her or what, I will just talk to her."



Morning Tzuyu and Sana attended school and Sana mentioned to her friends that Mina move  in another unit.

"Mina told me the reason why she move in another unit because the new unit she found is a just a walking distance to her university."

"Is it not because of Tzuyu that's why she leave?."

Momo suddenly looks at Sana. "I told you before that Mina has a crush on Tzuyu, especially her feelings grow deeper when she became close to Tzuyu after you broke up with her."

"Well, Sana and Tzuyu didn't broke up. They're just pretending that time."  Jeongyeon answer.

"I want to talk to Mina."

"She's on process on moving on right now. I don't think it's a good idea Sana."

"Why not? I will just talk to her. If you guys think that I will fight with her No. I will never do that."

"Arasso, let's go to her after school."


Meanwhile, Tzuyu is still trying to contact Mina but the latter is still not responding.

"Tzuyu, where are you going???."

"I will go to Mina."

"Huh? But we have still class." Dahyun said but Tzuyu didn't listen as she immediately walks away.

SHE'S THE ONE - SATZU (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now