Chapter 16

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"You're jealous but you don't even have feelings for me." Tzuyu mumbled but to her surprised Sana pulled her nape closer to her and kiss her lips immediately.

Tzuyu's heart suddenly was beating so fast as she didn't expect that to happen.

When Sana break the kiss they intently stare with each other and Sana was about to averted her gazed but Tzuyu held her chin and kiss her lips and this time it became more passionate when Tzuyu starts moving her lips.

"I really don't want to end this moment, I don't know but I really like this feeling." Sana mumbled to her mind.

"You don't have to be jealous." Tzuyu said the moment she break the kiss.

"Tzuyu ~ ah."

"Because I will always here for you, Just take your time. I'm just here and I promise that my feelings for you will never get change."


"Yes." Tzuyu smile. "Knowing that you're jealous if I'm with someone else is enough for me. If you need more time to figure what you truly feel then I will you more time."

"So you still like me?."

"I don't like you Sana. I love you."

Meanwhile Sana blush because of what Tzuyu said as her heart beat is still racing so fast. She didn't even feel this kind of feelings when she with Key, Only Tzuyu can make her heart flutter.


"Where our friends?." Tzuyu asked one of the staff when they get back to the center.

"Ms. Chou, your friends headed home already."


"Ms. Yoo said that they will send Ms.Myoui home and you just take care of Ms.Minatozaki."

Tzuyu and Sana looks at each other.

"Okay, Thank you."

"Are you guys heading home now?."


"We appreciate that you volunteer here we hope to see you again."

"Sure if we are free we will definitely comeback here."

Sana notice that Tzuyu smile to the staff so she cling her arms to the latter.

"Drive safe Ms.Chou."

"Thank you.."

When they are now walking  through the car Tzuyu notice Sana's irritated expression and her hand still clinging on her arms.

"Don't tell me your jealous again."

"Stop smiling to others."

"Why not? It's just a smile."

"Don't you notice it? Your making her giggle. That girl is blushing because you smile to her."

Tzuyu smile and gently pat the latters head.

"It's just smile. stop being jealous, and stop doing that expression because you're being too adorable."

"I'm mad 😠.."

Tzuyu walks closer to her and hugs her tightly.

"If we are together already, I'm afraid that I can't handle your cuteness."

Sana's heart suddenly melt when Tzuyu hugs her and her irritation fades away, she smile and hugs her back.

"I really love your scent." She mumbled.

SHE'S THE ONE - SATZU (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now