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It's been 3 days already since Sana admitted in the hospital and it's been 3 days already since Tzuyu didn't visit her.

"Sana ~ ya, I order some food." Momo said.

"Komawo, Momo ~ ya but I'm still not hungry."

"Are you okay? Why you feel sad?." Nayeon asked.

"Are you thinking about Tzuyu?." Jeongyeon asked.


"She's at work right now. She's busy because their film will be ended soon so they need to finish filming it. Don't worry because she always monitor you Sana."

Sana suddenly looks at Jeongyeon because of what she said.

"She monitor me?."

"Yeah, she's texting me every minute."

"I will meet her later Sana Unnie, do want to say something to her?." Chaeyoung asked.

"Komawo Chaeyoung ~ ah."

"Oh, Mina is here now." Jihyo said as she was reading Mina's text, meanwhile Chaeyoung suddenly feel nervous as she hear her name.

"Annyeonghaseyo..." Mina finally arrived, she was holding a basket of fruits she was surprised to see Chaeyoung so she immediately averted her gazed from the latter.

"Mina ~ ya..."

"Sana ~ Chan.." Mina walks closer to Sana and gives her a warm hug.

"Uhmmm, Unnie. I'll go ahead now. Dahyun Unnie texted me." Chaeyoung said.

"Okay, Thank you for visiting Sana. Chaeyoung ~ ah."

"You're welcome Momo Unnie.."

Meanwhile, their friends decided to leave Sana and Mina alone inside the room so that they can be able to talk privately.

"Momo told me that you break up with Tzuyu. Why????."

"Because, I know Tzuyu still loves you and I want to fix everything. You are her childhood friend it just that Key ruined everything."

"But you love her as well Mina.."

"Yes, But I can't be at ease if I know to myself that someone's relationship ruined because of  a big misunderstanding. Tzuyu and you deserves a second chance that's why I sacrificed my love for Tzuyu, I told her to fix everything because that's the right thing to do."

"Mina ~ ya..."

"Unnie, don't worry about me because I will never regret this decision. I'm still thankful for Tzuyu because she let me feel her love and that's enough for me. I feel her sincerity when she's with me, Tzuyu is a great person Sana ~ Chan.."

"I know.." Sana said as she tears slowly fall from her eyes. "And I regret leaving her, If I let her explain maybe we are not in this situation right now..."

"Sana ~ Chan, what matters is right now. Let's forget all the painful memories in the past you can create another memories with Tzuyu. You both deserve to be happy. Fight your love for her and I'm sure Tzuyu will do the same."

"Komawo, Mina. I really appreciate what you've done for us."

"You're always welcome Unnie.." Mina smile before she hugs Sana tightly..


Meanwhile, Tzuyu is having a meeting with her manager and with Mr.Park the CEO of her agency.

"Today is the last day of shooting right?."

"Yes, Pdnim.."

"Did you already thought about the offer for you???."

SHE'S THE ONE - SATZU (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now