Chapter 43

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Days have passed and Tzuyu became feel better since it's vacation already her family wanted her to go back in Taiwan so that she can unwind her mind but Tzuyu decided to stay in Korea.

Weekend, Tzuyu went to the Orphanage where she visited last time and to her surprised she saw Mina there as well..

"Oh, Ms.Chou is here." One of the staff said, as she was talking with Mina and then she saw Tzuyu.

"Tzuyu ~ ah.."


"Ms. Chou always comes here every weekend, it's good that you saw each other her here, we thought you had a misunderstanding so you don't come here at the same time."

"Ah, No. Mina has still classes and I'm currently In a vacation now so I decided that every weekend I will volunteer here."

"I see.. the children will gonna be happy to see both of you."

"We are happy to see them too." Mina said.

"Wait a minute, I will just call the children." The head staff said.

Tzuyu and Mina feel shy with each other, so there's a silent covering the whole room until Tzuyu break the silence.

"What time did you go here?." Tzuyu asked.

"Uhmmm, around 8 o'clock.."

"I see. It's too early."

"Yeah. By the way how are you?."

"I'm okay I guess."

Mina looks at Tzuyu...

"I mean, I feel better now. I sometimes still think about what happened but even I will think it for how many times I can't change everything.."

"You look feel better now, I can see it."

"Thank you for  encouraging me that time. It really helps me a lot."

"That's good to hear ☺️.."

Mina and Tzuyu spend their half day to the Orphanage to make all the children happy.

"Thank you so much for taking time to volunteer here. We will see you again next time." The head of staff said.

"It's our pleasure. We will be back here for sure." Mina said.

After talking to the head staff they're now walking at the hall way..

"Did you bring your car?." Tzuyu asked.

"No." Mina said.

"I will send you home if you want to."

"Is it okay?." Mina asked.



Mina ride to Tzuyu's car and when they're on their way Mina received a message from Nayeon.



"Nayeon Unnie message me she's with Jeongyeon Unnie, I mentioned that I'm with you. They want to see you, is it okay if we will meet them oat the cafe??."

"Okay, sure.."

After an hour of driving they arrived already at the cafe..

"Whoa, Tzuyu ~ ah..." Nayeon immediately hugs Tzuyu the moment she saw her.


"How are you? It's our first time to see you again. You're not hanging out with us anymore.." Nayeon pout.

SHE'S THE ONE - SATZU (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now