03- Puzzle pieces

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Once again in such a familiar situation she was sitting.

Sitting by the window resting her face on the top of her crossed arms over the window sill, Angel sat there gazing forth at the setting sun that seemed to kiss the waters of the sea beyond and hiss as it cooled down the burning fiery surface yet the orange and pinkish hues sparkled the beach and seemed like one from a fairytale.

The air held a faint smell of sea water, cool breeze and a hint of coconut cookies that Jimin must have freshly retrieved from the oven.

Was it always like this?

Have I always been like this?

Or did I have a past too?

Why can’t I remember anything, if that’s so?

Is Jungkook Oppa really my brother? Why don’t I have the same sir name then?

The very first memory Angel had was waking up to seeing cozy surroundings her as the morning sun shone brightly through the crème curtains.

She remembers how weak and fragile she felt as she held clutched her chest feeling her heart beat reach her ears while her dried throat just added to the restlessness cruising through her existence.

That day she was as quite as the silence itself. She felt so weird with these faces around her and these surroundings, no matter how hard she tried she never got to remember anything. With the meds she began to feel more oblivious to her past, that according to Jungkook was her healing though she did find something off feeling how Jungkook would avoid eye contact with her.

Are they really my family?

If yes, then why can’t I remember anything, why can’t I feel any familiarity with them, why can’t I recognize them.

What if they are lying to me?

What if they are not my family?

What if they are keeping me away from the truth?

No, Angel why would they-….



Why does this even feel so strange.

How come I not recognize my name even.

Was a fall from the third floor that damaging? But, why did I fall? Our house is just two floors then how-….

Did we perhaps lived somewhere else before-

“What’s with all the brain work hm?” Chirped a mellow yet raspy voice next to Angel making her jolt lightly and turn towards the source to find a smiling Jimin who stroked the girl’s hairs gently before leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to her head.

“Nothing” Angel smiled to the sweet affection getting up and following after the brown haired guy who dragged her by her hand gently towards kitchen.

“Mhm, if that’s the case why don’t you give me some company hm?” Jimin spoke as he led the girl to sit on a chair on the dinner table and sat on his continuing to work on the cupcakes decorating them with piping bags filled with multi colored toppings.

“Where is Jihyun? I didn’t see him or Oppa from the morning.”

“Oh them….”

Angel noticed a sudden fall in his tone, but continued to stare at the boy waiting for a response.

“Well they went for some grocery shopping…”

Jimin smiled avoiding eye contact with the girl and continued to decorate the small cakes.

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