29-"Alone and Abandoned"

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“Oh, you look so pathetic Kim, so hideous, so miserable-…” Another brutal punch to the face was what Jungkook received. He ended up biting his tongue in the process while he coughed blood out but it did put an abrupt halt to his words from crawling under Inferno’s skin.

“GUK~ TAEHYUNG STOP IT YOU ARE HURTING HIM” yelped Jimin watching his restrained husband covered in bruises and groan to the sudden pain that left his split cheek to ooze more blood.

“HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK LIKE THIS TO ME, YOU PATHETIC CREATURE” Inferno’s growl rattled the dark hallways of the dungeons while he yanked on the handful of the raven head’s hair in his grasp.

“Appa, please-… leave my Appa alone” Jihyun wailed with whimpers and pleads to slip past his lips as he watched the once beloved man now twisted into an inhumane beast.

“Hyung you are hurting my Appa” The innocent pleads were heart wrenching yet Inferno was too blind to recognize those people who once were his own. His family.

“HYUNG?” Inferno shoved Jungkook back into the chair on which he was restrained as his gaze snapped towards the little boy with puffed eyes staring at the guy with eyes as if set on fire. The false lenses looked much more real as if fires raged inside them.

Inferno walked towards the little kid while his blazing orbs glared past his innocent soul.

“What has happened to you Hyung? Y-you weren’t like this?” Jihyun choked on his own sobs while he peered at the guy forth with heartbroken eyes.

“You were my hyu-…”

Inferno leaped forth and grabbed the little boy by his jaw tightening his grip on his fragile jaw and making both Jimin and Jungkook yell out to him. While Inferno remained unfazed, his eyes were solely focused on the little boy restrained on the chair like the rest while he bore holes through his soul with that brutal glare of his.

“I am your nothing” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“TAEHYUNG LET GO OF MY CHILD, DON’T HURT HIM, HE’S JUST A KID.” Screamed Jimin while he struggled between the ropes hugging his body in their embrace.

“FUCKER LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS, I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU HURT MY KID, GET YOUR SICKENING HANDS OFF OF HIM.” Screamed Jungkook bending his body like an untamed beast inside a cage. The chair dragged itself along as Jungkook withered in between the ropes nearly making them snap off of his existence.

The two guys struggled to break free from the restraints seeing their little child in the claw of the devil.

“You are my hyung-…”

“I AM YOUR NOTHING, YOU HEAR ME” Yelled Inferno in Jihyun’s face making the little kid jolt in his place with his heart beating frantically against his chest.


“Taehyung, stop it please, leave Jihyun out of this, I beg you” cried Jimin watching his innocent child shake witnessing such brutality.

Yet Inferno was too deaf to hear anything else, he solely focused his attention on the little child as his grip on his jaw tightened making the little boy squint his eyes and whimper at the rising pain.

“I will never, you hear me, you all are hideous, twisted, pathetic creatures… her puppets, and she… She-… Deceiver, Liar, Betrayer” Inferno was breathing heavily to how the anger inside him boiled rocketing sky high.

“Angel did nothing wrong Hyung”

“Nothing wrong? SHE DECIEVED ME, SHE LIED TO ME, SHE KILLED ME” Inferno screamed to the top of his lung making everyone in between the four cold walls to quieten down instantly.

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