54- Close to You

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Song Recommendation # Minefields by Faouzia, John Legend

It lay in disarray, a scene of complete chaos and death. The Pit’s pyramid, a grand hall of celebration where the Egyptian dark lord, Pharoh made one of the nastiest deals ever existing. Where Venom tracked down the fourth culprit of her mother’s, Pharoh, the one who worshipped death. She found him, she had found him at last and she was going to finish him off like the other three before. But that was what she thought, and those of side laying risks evaded her mind. If not for his appearance, whom she had despised all along, she could have lost it all, altogether, her life, her revenge, her future, and Kim Taehyung.

If not for him, she would have ended up in nothing but a forgotten tale of times.

If not for the one named Kim Seokjin.

A soft groan knocked on the hushed bells of silence in the room knocking on the senses of the other figure seated beside her form. Between the warm comforter and soft pillows lay her existence, tender bruises kissed across her skin from a day before what happened. If Seokjin had arrived a bit too late he would have lost the girl with moonlight hair forever.

“Mm~” She whimpered, a crease etched between her brows as she endeavored to unfurl the pair of familiar honeyed eyes, and when she did, it hurt more, the canvas of once bright eyes was dipped in hues of red with those honey orbs vulnerable than ever before.

A tender stroke of fingers traced the arc of her cheek, gently guiding the smooth strands away from her face. The presence of a foreign figure up close to her jolted her senses to work and she grabbed onto the hand almost instantly.

“Hush~ Calm down, it’s just me” Seokjin voiced letting her know it was none other than him. Her hazel gaze ran up from the hand towards his face and she found his bending over her form, worry etched across each cell of his being while his eyes scanned her face somewhat relieved to see the girl awaken now.

“Seokjin? You- what are you doing here? Mm~ where am I?” She struggled instantly trying to move and get up and away from the touch of the former who held her down and pulled her back to lie.

“Don’t move, you’re hurt, you need to rest, you are safe now”

“Safe? With you? The last I was in the same space with you, I ended up with a bullet in me and nearly kissed death, remember?” A simple handful of taunting words they were, but enough to pierce through his heart.

“You don’t have to rub it in my face, I know I have made mistakes” he conceded somberly. Despite him trying to get her to lay back, she pushed herself to sit up and get a grip on herself, while her surroundings sunk in slowly knocking on the door of her consciousness.

“What am I doing with you?”

“Look, you need to rest for now-”

“I have no desire to stay in the same place as you for even a minute more, stop touching me Seokjin, it sickens me” The words they were or daggers, he forgot to breathe finding such hatred from the girl he couldn’t see anything else other than. But he understood, he deserved her hate after all he betrayed her, he was lucky enough to still be alive. But why is he alive? She could have killed him easily the night she attacked him, took him to her dungeons just like he did, she did it all the same but never wiped out his existence. Why?
Why did she let me go? Why did she let me live? Why!?

What if? What if she doesn’t want me gone? What if she wants me to be by her side, just like before, close to her, there for her, this time to protect her, hold her- love her?

“I sicken you, you must hate me and you should, I betrayed you, even if I realized my mistake late, I made a mistake, no- I sinned, yes I sinned I accept it” He muttered loud enough for her to hear and when she did she stopped struggling to create distances between them. Averting her gaze towards the male, she watched him as he traced his own hands rubbing circles over his knuckles, a habit she had known he carried. He was trying to soothe himself, through the suffocating guilt that tightened over his chest.

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