41-"Secret Infatuation"

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[Song Suggestion: A beautiful mess by Kristian Kostov]

The crash between the two vehicles was fierce. The sparks emitting from the friction intensified as the bike slammed right into the front of the Rolls Royce. Seokjin gripped the edges of his seat to brace himself yet his eyes were too intrigued by the figure that jumped forth landing right onto the hood of his car.

The steel bat shone in the illuminance of the sparks and Seokjin gazed wide-eyed at how it was directed right toward him. Swinging it through tearing the air apart, the bat whistled its arrival and struck the front window shield shattering it into more than a million little pieces. The act left him shrieking in horror as he rose his hands to shield himself yet the little glass spikes managed to kiss his skin and taste the liquor of his blood.

"Missed me Pretty one?"

Venom squatted down peering at the guy who held his breath in terror. Hearing the voice Seokjin felt his brain cells freeze with every vessel in his body contracting to the chills that kissed his existence.

As If falling from Titanic and tearing through the chilly air, striking the surface of freezing water to feel a thousand needles pierce through his flesh. He felt truly shaken. His body seemed to forget that it could move in multiple ways. He was unable to twitch even a muscle now until.

The same steel bat slammed on the roof of the car leaving a dent deep down next to Seokjin who jolted to the sudden noise and hurriedly pressed himself against the door to his side. His breathing was heavy with his heart beating in his ears.

Another strike was received and another dent ruptured the structure of the car leaving a next to previous one right beside his head.
He is going to die. I'm going to die was all his brain cells electrocuted to him, the fear made cold sweat bead onto his forehead and kiss down his skin stepping off the throne of his forehead.

"You are so dead Seokjin-ah"

A chuckle was what he heard, Seokjin frantically slammed his hand over the door and grabbed a hold of the handle with shaking hands he pulled it open and fell sideways on the concrete watching how another dent dug itself right above where he was seated. Even a minute's delay could have poured his brains out of his eye sockets and he saw it all.

Seokjin dragged himself back kicking the soles of his boots as he watched the figure standing on the ruptured roof of the car gape right down at him. W-who is she? The sparks failed to lighten her face enough for Seokjin to see but he recognizes that voice so well yet his brain denied to accept it.

Venom jumped off the roof of the car landing on her toes, she swung the bat around resting it back over her shoulder, the girl walked forth towards the guy who kept his tedious struggle of creating distance onwards.

The former walked forth placing firm steps on each side of his body and sat right over his stomach trapping the guy underneath. Venom pulled the steel bat forth and pressed it against Seokjin's throat hearing him hitch his breath while she held both sides of the bat pressing it down keeping the latter constrained against the dirt. Even a little more pressure could distort his adam apple and kick it down his throat. Seokjin didn't dare to twitch a muscle. His shaken gaze stayed stuck to her face as she leaned closer hovering on top of him like a grim reaper ready to suck his soul out.

"Look at you, you have become prettier over the time I was gone, the happiness of getting rid of me was lavish right" The corner of her lip twitched in a grin. Venom leaned further close gaping at the boy who had his breath held and eyes wide like saucers stuck to her.

"But you know what, that is where You were wrong, You can never get rid of me, Never, and remember when I told you to make sure to stab me in the heart when you betray me"

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