55- The Madman

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Song Recommendation# Psychosis by Mitchel Dae

"I have retold you this countless times Kim, your claim remains completely strange to us. There exists no truth in that, we've no clue what you're saying, nothing, and no one is going to help you with this insanity. You have to accept this grievous reality like the rest of us, she's dead-"

"A fool you are to believe I'd swallow that nonsense again, just because you have succeeded ONCE, I repeat once and once only, in hiding her from me across some desolate stretch of land, you think you could make me believe she is gone when I NEVER FOUND HER UNDER THE ASHES OF MY BURNT SANITY"

Through the dark hall that was illuminated with every flash of the thunder outside, shadows danced across the walls as the raven head paced back and forth, heavy breaths pushed his chest to heave with swirls of his breath crystalizing in the air as if he was a fire-breather, his fury visible in the charged atmosphere. Every step echoed like a thunderclap, bouncing through the silence as he demanded answers through the auburn glow of his furious eyes reflected in the storm within his soul.

The atmosphere within the Hawk's headquarters remained shrouded in an unsettling calm. Each holding his breath not to earn the attention of the madman forth, not knowing that it only fueled the fire of his ire. Someone had to speak and Yoongi knew it very well, so he did.

"You don't understand-"

"NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, it's been two years, a hundred of thousands of moments snatched from me, I hold you all accountable for it, for ruining me, you all are equally blamed for the death of that boy, Kim Taehyung and now you hold me guilty for what I have become, NO!!! YOU ALL HAVE MADE ME INTO WHAT I AM TODAY!"

The anger he was trying to suppress suddenly roared, and his composure shattered like glass, fragments of restraint scattered by the winds of desperation. With a gun clenched tightly in his trembling hand, he stood amidst the ocean of Hawk's men held captive by his own.



The raven head screamed, his voice, raw and primal, pierced the air with each guttural scream, echoing through the room like the roar of a wounded beast. His eyes blazed with an intensity bordering on madness, pinning each onlooker with a searing glare that bore into their very souls. He was thirsty! Absolutely thirsty to find the girl with sunset eyes. Yoongi could see the growing storm, seeing the situation Jungkook tried to voice out some words to the madman.

"That's not true-"

"That is very true indeed, just because you refuse to acknowledge it, doesn't erase its existence. I don't understand why you all despise me now, I am simply the face of what you've molded me into, a monster like you all" The said leaving them all speechless, after all, it was true, there was no lie in what he claimed. Between the wars of these monsters, an angel lost his wings of course it was painful and they all knew it because once they were in the same place as his. "I am not here for this useless shit, I am here for her so if you don't want me to paint the walls red here, bring her forth"

The chasm between his avid hunt and their nonstop denials only intensified the hurricane brewing within his soul, painting the scene with hues of mounting frustration and heightened desperation.

"Tae- Inferno~ M-My lord, please give us a chance to explain-" Jungkook put his first step forth on the bridge with planks sharp as a dagger's edge. He knew either he'd lose his head alone or earn a few moments from losing his entire clan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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