30-"Your wish is my command"

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“You are wasting my time Kim, get out of my way”

“No, you don’t understand, it’s not safe for you…”

“DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE, HE HAS MY FAMILY CAPTIVE KIM GET OUT OF MY WAY BEFORE I SLICE YOUR THROAT AND LEAVE YOU TO BLEED TO DEATH” Venom roughly grabbed onto the collars of Namjoon’s jacket and yanked him out of her way making the man to fall sideways and hit his torso over the edge of the wooden table that littered with metal and weapons Venom had pulled out of his trunk.

Namjoon hissed grabbing his side but pulled himself to his feet. He stumbled towards the furious figure of the girl and grabbed a hold of her yet again, he just couldn’t let her go.

Namjoon pulled Venom back with her back to his chest while he restrained the fuming She-devil against his existence trying to stop the girl from walking out of the door in front.

“I told you e-everything, everything about him, Venom please, he’s no more that little innocent boy you met. Kim Taehyung is dead, and the one born… He hates you and he will hurt you bad, please I can’t let you get hurt, No…”

Namjoon held the girl tightly with his arms wrapped around her. Venom had her jaw clenched tight to the point the flex of her jaw shone in the lights of the lamp that illuminated the little wooden cabin in the woods.

Her hands were itching to touch those sharp black blades resting in the holster belt around her waist, yet she held herself back from hurting the familiar boy. She didn’t want to hurt him at all, but this wrath that was storming inside her only made her see everything red.

“LET.ME.THE.FUCK.GO” She wheezed through gritted teeth and Namjoon felt the little hairs at the back of his neck stand up shivering in the waves of goosebumps that broke on his skin.

He recognizes this tone too well to forget it and he already can see the grim reaper by the door waiting for him but he just can’t let go of her.

If he does…

He will lose her again and forever, for real.

“Please Venom, I can’t lose you again, please”
Grabbing his arm, Venom pulled it off of her existence and twisted it around so swiftly and smoothly that it left the grown man whimpering in pain and on his knees while Venom held him there against the table with his face pressed against the metal over the wooden table.

“What are you up to huh? As long as I remember you weren’t an alliance, you never liked me before Kim” She whispered against his ear while keeping a hand gripping his jaw keeping his face turned to her while the other held his arm twisted at his back.

“Y-you are mistaken” Despite the pain and fear clawing to his soul, Namjoon wheezed and knew it was better to talk than stay quiet. He remembered too well how it pissed her off if she didn’t gets to hear whom she was questioning. Hearing his response, the girl twisted his arm more making him whimper at the intensifying pain in the socket of his shoulder.

“Mistaken? Beware of how you talk to me”

“I d-don’t hate you, y-you are mistaken, how can I hate you when you were the only one in my life? Even if w-we weren’t on much friendly terms but I found my comfort place in you alone.”

Whatever he said went straight above her head, Venom furrowed her brows hearing the guy, since the time she went him, he had been talking like this and Venom had no idea why?

“You sound odd, fake, and full of lies…”

“Just trust me once”

“Why should I believe you? Why should I not think you could backstab me as well?”

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