35- "The red head"

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Heavy breathing filled the room as the two figures did everything possible to make the other surrender. A fierce punch was what Sapphire received on the right cheek. He stumbled and fell back losing his balance. The room held a ring to the east wall with weapons attached to it. While cold metal rested on the tables like a newly crowned prince on a throne. The sledding and squeaking sounds of sneakers dragging across the smooth surface of the ring boomed through the void adding to the heavy breaths and usual exchange of words.

"Such a pussy" Snorted Venom while she kept her hands curled tight and right in front of her face staying cautious of the maroon head forth.

"I-I'm not a pussy you are just too sly" He panted heavily getting back in position and watching the girl twitch the corner of her lip.

"I'd rather say persistent" Venom latched forth taking the boy by surprise while she swung him around holding him in a headlock. She kicked him on the back of his knees backing him to lose balance and kneel down. Sapphire groaned holding onto her arm that felt so fragile yet held him in a deadly trap. Venom chuckled watching his failing acts to escape.

"You have the guts to date my brother but no guts to be his guy huh." Venom tightened the hold making Sapphire wheeze into her suffocating trap.

"Did KNIGHTS teach you this? How pathetic~"

"Hear me clear and loud baby boy" She leaned forth with her lips lingering near the guy's ear shell to which Sapphire felt his heart shiver inside the cage of his ribs. All past memories came flooding him. The masquerade, his pole, and usual visits from his master. Sapphire shuddered to exhale shakily.

"My brothers are precious to me, more than your breaths are to you"

"You have put your head till gut into the mouth of a serpent and trust me I never give a second chance. Yoongi deserves so much more than you"

"I will never allow a coward pussy to hang my brother down like a dead weight. So, either you prove yourself worthy of him or I will find you another pit to flex that body of yours"

The said left Sapphire to gulp hard as Venom let go of the guy letting him raise to his feet and get back in action.

"I-I love Yoongi, w-with my all, I will do anything for him"

"We'll see about that for now..." Venom turned to grab the two machetes resting on the wall of the ring and turned around.

"Try and escape me and yes, don't let the pretty face scarred, I have a thing for slashing faces" She tossed one machete to Sapphire and struck as soon as he grasped onto the handle.






She lost count of how many times he fell but rose only to be trampled. Even if he couldn't beat her, Sapphire never gave up and did his best and Venom saw it.

"Impressive" Spoke a third voice diverting Sapphire's focus as he very well recognized to whom it belonged.

Yoongi smiled staring at the boy with adoring eyes. Surely the maroon head had made the cruel one soft for him and Venom could see clearly to what levels the two had made to.
Now it was even more needed to strengthen Sapphire to be a support for her brother not like how... Taehyung was to her.

A weakness.

She kicked the guy right onto his butt making Sapphire fall forth on his knees to which Yoongi chuckled and walked forth towards the ring.

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