18-"The Devil Within"

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[A/N: My Dear readers, I would like to let you know that my app glitched over the last update so there were something's missing in the chapter. I have republished it after correcting them. Sorry for the inconveniences.]

#Song recommendation: The Devil Within by digital daggers. Highly recommended and included above. Do listen while reading#

A perfect hiss of first kiss

I felt it slither round my heart

Fangs so sharp to bliss

The dainty love from the start

Disguise so criss

Hiss and slither, the perfect spark

Strike so hard let me reminisce

The pain the gain before it departs


It hissed.

The rattling whisper susurrated as its body coiled around her arm.

Jade with cerise scales that kissed the rough yet glossy texture of its skin.

It glowed in the gloomy environment just like the intense hazel orbs of the person who seized the reptile by its jaw locking the movement of its head.

The snake hissed trying to get out of the grip of the person showing it wasn't going to accept being the slave, yet it never knew the cruelty of its master.

"Behave" The mellow feminine voiced boomed in the void earning the attention of the darkness around. A tint of rasp kissed the whirl of her tone with the words that slipped off her soft plump lips.

The hazel orbs blazed with the fierce incandescence of brutality burning in them magnificently. Black darkness that surrounded the suns of her eyes seemed to fume against the burning fires. Pale as snow canvas stretched across her existence sitting perfectly in contrast to the black attires that hugged her curves firmly.

Hissed again, the snake that coiled its body around her arm trying to buy enough leverage to be able to fight against the one who overwrought it.

"I said behave." A low growl rumbled at the back of her throat. If another human being was present at the moment, they would definitely have felt intimidated under the gaze of the dark angel seated forth.

But it was a senseless reptile she held in her grasp, how it would know, the claws of the one who held it were fiercer than its poisonous fangs that ached to pierce into the flesh stretched across her existence and free itself.

"Don't you know, I don't like disobeying toys?"
Hissed again, the reptile just wouldn't understand its master and thus the foul creature suffered.

"You are so pathetic."

Sliding the scalpel out, the silver shine that kissed the sharp edges gleamed in the light directed at it. It was a crystal dagger made out of a huge moonstone, the blueish glow that appeared in the middle of it spoke its uniqueness.

Within a span of a split second, the dagger went spinning round her slender fingers until the handle was gripped firmly and it slashed through the head of the reptile sticking down into the wooden table forth.

The blue hues within seemed to brighten up more with a tint of red that started to swarm by at the edges until the whole of the crystal glowed like red hot metal dagger.

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