13-Found You

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Sliding inside the Rover, Jungkook threw a black case in Jimin’s lap who was making sure Jihyun is inside the vehicle with his seatbelt buckled up. Feeling the hard material resting on his thighs Jimin turned his head back and peered forth towards the black case, the way it was designed with a large ‘V’ engraved along with a fierce serpent wrapped around it, Jimin just knew it was not just an ordinary case, the chills crawling up his spine spoke too well.

Looking up towards Jungkook, Jimin questioned out of confusion, fear and curiosity.

“What is this Guk?”

Pressing on the race abruptly Jungkook drove the Rover forth that squealed to the force and ran like the bolt of lightning in dark skies.
“A zymbeote”


[A/N: “Zymbeote” is not an actual word in the English dictionary but my self made so I will explain this further below.]

“Flip the cover baby, hurry up.” Jungkook reached his hand inside the pockets of his pants to retrieve a dull gold key that held a snake décor with rubies for its eyes. Jimin slid his index nail inside the slit that became visible under light and showed the opening just under the engraving. A sound of click erupted and Jimin pulled open the sleek lid to uncover a key hole with a keypad resting at it’s side while a biometric mold sat on the most right of it, the most fascinating thing about it was that the mold was of a whole hand and not just a thumb.

Jimin insentiently looked towards his husband with a questionable stare while Jungkook kept his eyes on the road forth.

“Here” He raised the key forth to Jimin who took it gulping his questions down since he trusted Jungkook and knew that the guy knows more about these things than him.

Reaching his hand towards the case Jungkook glanced towards it before inputting a combination of the keys that held some strange type of characters never matched any of the languages Jimin had ever learned or seen or even heard of.

A swift action it was and the string of green digits filled the small screen on the case as Jungkook typed into the keypad.

A beep was heard and Jungkook slammed his hand into the biometric mold where it rested fitting perfectly causing a second beep and the keyhole glowed up with jade aurora lights making Jimin reach his hand forth sliding the key into the keyhole and twisted it around with ease causing a third beep with a pair of clicks that erupted confirming the confidential case has finally opened.

But what was it holding that it held such security.

Jimin couldn’t help but grow more and more curious about it until the panels finally slid back exposing what the case hid.

And if I say it didn’t make Jimin go pale in the face, I would be lying.


“Yes, the tracker you planted in Angel’s neck, it’s the controller of that…”

“Jungkook- Are you going to track her down by this?”

A subtle nod was what Jungkook gave making Jimin look back at the case.

“Jungkook, I-… I did plant that but you do know it’s not healthy for her if we use it, it can hurt her.”

A loud screech of tyres erupted and the vehicle was brought to a sudden halt with the passengers inside being thrown forward with force.

“Jimin, getting hurt is better than getting killed, We need to get her back as soon as possible and we need to do this Now!”

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