22-"Who are you?"

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Oddly enough the feeling was mutual.

The way her hot breath winded against his cold palm, the way his mint scented one titillated her nostrils or how their bodies were pressed onto one another. Maybe the decrease in the distance was what made the two feel each other’s heart beat but somehow they felt it.

Inferno’s POV~

Beautiful was all I could say.

Pure, innocent and simply beautiful.

Who is she?

She can’t be…

I couldn’t help but to stare in those million suns of her eyes and all I could see was innocence. She is surprised and curious, I can read it all.

I can read it all.

She is nothing like…. Venom, there is no curtain hiding the truth, no secrecy, no facelessness, no mystery.

I can see her, read her, know the true her.

Third Person POV~

“Angel” A breathless whisper was what spilled out of his lips breaking the girl from her bubble as he clearly felt her jolt in his arms.

She pushed him back making his arms loose that comforting warmth of her body.

“Wh-who are you?” She was shocked but not scared. There was not even a small speck of fear that dusted over her existence, though she seemed curious to know the new face she found.

Inferno was quite amazed to find such a question slipping off her smooth lips.

Does she really not know me? More like remember me.

For some very odd reasons, a pang of hurt struck the soft walls of his palpitating heart but wait was it  really Inferno whose heart must have fluttered seeing the familiar yet so strange figure forth but as soon as the fluttering rose it faltered too, soon disappearing with another thought.

Is she forging it yet again?

The times of the past reflected on the clear glasses of his brown eyes that were pure of any fake fiery blaze today. This only left Inferno to once again feel the pain of the broken Kim Taehyung. His grip tightened onto her arms letting a gasp slip from her mouth over such actions from a… stranger.


“NO NO NO, no-….” Instantly Angel turned around letting the shrubs settle in place, she towered over the small boy that came running to her oblivious of what or specifically whom she was hiding from his eyes.

“I-its not here.” Inferno heard her speak to the little boy watching her actions as he shrank more into the bushes hiding in the shades of dark jade.

“But I remember it came flying here-…”

“I said na its not here, I have looked for it already.”

Why is she hiding me? was the first question that came to Inferno’s mind as he watched the girl trying to lure the kid away with her spells.

Inferno saw her turnaround from time to time and stare at him with those million suns of her eyes. Those eyes held a sole emotion glittering in them now…. Curiosity. That stayed the same even if her footsteps faded the urge to know more seemed to double up every moment Angel stepped away from the strange person in the shades.

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