15-"Love hurts"

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A loud thunder storm.....

The lightening was striking fiercely, the flashes kept grazing the insides of the dark room through the parted curtains of large windows that were left broken to left the intruding air gush in fiercely blowing the curtains back and letting the rain drenched the crème colored carpet.

It flashed again and one could see the lights in the room were put out. It was dark... very dark until...

Another flash appeared.... Illuminating the insides of the room once more.

Move close to the window and the distorted structure of insides was visible enough, behind the flying curtains, everything was simply devastated, the furnace still burnt brightly making the fiery ashes fly out with every gush of the wind, carpeted floor littered with broken wood and glass, alcohol and ashes of cigar. It seemed like a war went on in here and well it did just in a different way devastating any and everything in the way leaving it to die and rot like the little fish that fluttered its body, jumping on the damp carpet, its home now gone and soul slipping out of its vessel.

Another flash grazed the room ...... the bed placed at the center of room came into the view.
Sheets displaced and wrinkled up. Many pillows scattered above them. A figure lying in between them on its stomach, his bare tattooed back visible in between the pillows while his arm hung down from over the edge of the bed. There rested a pen of poison in between his slender fingers. The smoke from the cigar just added more to the suffocating and reeking smell of liquor spread across the room.

The lightning struck again with brighter flash this time and a fierce noise.

In between the pillows, a fragile heart kept beating like crazy, the rhythms going irregular and out of place, followed by the deep shaky breathes the figure too, hearing the thunderstorm, Taehyung clutched the sides of his pillow more and pressed more over his head but the memories of the past never stop haunting his in his present.

You know Taehyung, I really like when it rains.

He tightened his jaw under the pillow, snuggling more into the wrinkled bed covers that were now damp by the continuous trickling of colorless blood from his eyes that held red canvas by now.

Wanna know why?

It's like unconditional love, bare of any desires and expectations. The way it embraces you. It's just so magical. The touch is so caring even if cold, but it never fails to show how perfect it is to embrace you, all at once.

It cries with you so you don't feel alone. How beautiful, isn't it?

The lightning struck again more fiercely tearing the sky apart followed by a loud rumbling noise.


But you left me alone.

I too wanted to embrace you like the rain Sarang, but you left me alone.

He grappled the sides of the pillow more and more digging his nails in the soft material. It felt like he lost his way and it's not like he's looking for someone to come to rescue him cause.... he knows the one to push if off the cliff left too deep gashes that even if someone found him they'd only find the soulless him, now he doesn't want to be found back, he's better off without the past him, better off without Taehyung, he's fine with Inferno.

But why would the one to push him off would come looking for him, he walked far away, very far and kept hiding his foot prints etched on the sand under his feet behind him so he couldn't be found, but this one soul, this one girl, the soul reason of his contentment and destruction, once again came standing right infront of him, face to face, heart to heart, eye to eye. At that moment Inferno felt blind, he went blind when Taehyung rose, the one who was so fond of gazing at the face forth then how would Inferno even react to that when he's someone born out of hate and darkness, revenge and blood.

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