04- Lies to find the truth

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Even though Jimin was dreading that it won’t turn out good that Jungkook was too harsh towards the girl, he found himself to be proved wrong. It’s been a week since the incidence and Angel had been behaving really well. She didn’t question, didn’t even try to think over things relating to her past and all in all Jungkook and Jimin were happy to see her behave oblivious of what went on behind the closed doors.

[A/N: I’m such a pervert, I smirked writing that last line but it’s not like what it seems.]

Behind the hanging mirror on the wall in her room, there rested a whole sketch out like a diagram with four main poles all made out by using Jihyun’s crayons, yet the jeon family never knew of its existence. A pair of hazel orbs stared forth as her hands continued to work on the wall.

There were written four names, the Jeon family and Angel. The girl tugged at her lower lip pressed between her teeth as she encircled her name with the yellow crayon smudging the waxy color against the smooth wall.

“Done. Now I have to add more to thi-…”

A knock on the door was what made her instantly reach forth to the mirror and hang it in place yet she never had the time to move back. opening the door right the next moment, Jimin peeked in and smiled.

“Knock Knock, Good morning” he chirped happily.

“Good morning.” Angel turned around brushing her fingers through her hairs as if she was putting them in place.

“You are up early today hm?” Jimin brushed her hairs back straightening her clothes as he always acted like a mother figure for her.

“Why won’t I be? Oppa said Jihyun is coming home today for the weekend and I’m missing him a lot.” She smiled wide as she leaned in his comforting touch making Jimin smile. He felt as she is safe now, just like Jungkook said. She is safe, they are safe and so everything is and will remain fine.

“He’ll be here soon.” Kissing her forehead Jimin smiled happily to how perfect everything was coming together.



“I’m Hungry.” Angel smiled knowing how much Jimin loves when she requests his hand made food and instantly a wide smile was what he gave off as he took her hand in his and pulled her along out of the room making Angel glance back to the mirror.

“Come on let’s feed our little Angel.”


A car honk was what made the girl look up from the book she was reading bored, she had read all of these more than four or five times by now and memorized every little detail. All of them solely having happy endings with the smiles of the main leads faces, and mostly they made Angel wonder how it actually would be like to have someone to love, like Jungkook had Jimin, would she ever had one to love like that too?

Breaking from her chain of thoughts making the black silhouette of that someone fade away into the grey corridors of her thoughts. She got up placing the book down watching Jimin who rushed towards the door whose bell was being rung again and again.

Jimin opened the door with a wide smile on his face yet it dropped as soon as his eyes landed on a familiar face.


There stood Hoseok with Jihyun by his side who chirped happily.

“Finally I’m home, Eomma where’s Angel?”

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