44- "Russian Roulette"

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[Song Suggestion# Joke’s on you by Charlotte Lawrence]

Tarot cards and hands to play, betting your life for another stay

‘Showdown’ is not the end of game, rather sanity gone astray

Yet you have another game to play

In the shadows of the night, they gather

The players of poker, minds sharp as daggers

Masked faces, identities concealed

Each of them, with a secret to reveal

Come sit at the table of fate, a hand to play

Where the cards dealt, win death a delay

A king, a queen, an ace, a jack

They decide fate’s mysterious track

The game of poker, a tale told

Of mystery, and secrets, precious as gold.


The space in itself looked like a masquerade mask, splashed with the neon lights dancing in the amid. Venom had paid special visits turning the rumors of her fake death into real. It simply took a single visit to make the vultures bow down to the lioness. The pit regained it's colors with the true owner coming back to her throne. And here she sat in one of her favorite places to relax. The Pit's Poker Club. Every once in a while, a gunshot boomed and left the stakes jolting in their seat with unwavering excitement. They placed higher bets on who would win and who would lose. The gun placed in the center of the table over the stashes of diamonds and drugs was smokin’ hot at the tip ready to devour yet another soul.

He couldn’t stop glancing at the black metal placed over the table as he held his tarot cards in his hand. The guy who challenged death itself to a game of poker. That gun in front of him rested over a pile of riches by now killing three bet-men in a row.

If I win one game against her, I’m going to get whatever I wish for. The sole thought pushed him to play yet again.

She sat in the middle of the room on one side of the table with another side open for any and everyone to test their fate against her.
Not long went by when a loud boom echoed through the walls signaling another victory but alas not of the one who wished for it.

A familiar raven head entered the same club.

Inferno glanced forth hearing the gunshot as soon as he stepped into The Pit’s Poker Club. It was a hub of gambling and liquor and you would find masterminds across the globe reserving places months away to have a taste of this place. It was absolutely delirious.

Glancing across the many gambling tables, Inferno walked across toward the Poker chamber. He held his black sponsorship card forth clearing past the security in the blink of an eye. As soon as he stepped in, he saw a body being dragged past him with a gunshot drilled past his head leaving a trail of blood grazing the dried one from before. Inferno peeked forth at the person on the other side of the table finding none other than his favorite prey of all time.

A dark rush of adrenaline pumped through his body and he strode forth towards the table, grabbing the guy by the neck who was ready to seat himself. Inferno pushed him out of the way and claimed the spot.

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