50- "Familiar Strangers"

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Song Recommendation # Sleepless by Dutch Melrose

Long days they were, that she had spent gazing at his dark eyes drinking her down like champagne, bodies tangled up with the heat that matched none. She almost missed it. All that was on her mind was none other than the raven head guy, Kim Taehyung. A melancholic sigh escaped her lips, carrying with it the weight of countless memories from the past days. Her heart, once brimming with the boundless joy of having him cherish her so desiringly, now resonated with a profound longing, an ache that seemed to consume her every waking moment. She missed his touch, his gentle caresses, and those sweet little promises.

I want to treat you more than the words 'I love you'. I want to treat you like a true sensual woman deserves to be. I'm talking flowers, candlelight dinners, long drives, date nights, and romance.

Every time his words echoed in the hallways of her memories, an unknown smile tugged at her lips wanting to hear them again and again, the slight rasp kissing at the edges of his voice, warm scented breath against hers as he poured his gaze down her eyes to seal the truth of his promises.

In the depths of her soul, Venom retraced the steps of their intertwined lives, Taehyung was the one weaving vibrant colors into her world that she had never known existed. His presence became an ethereal symphony, every note resonating with an intoxicating blend of passion and tenderness. The former closed her eyes, seeking solace in the vivid recollections that danced across the canvas of her mind. Images of those intense moments spent together, countless mingled breaths and kisses, touches and caresses beneath the pale moonlight, a bittersweet nostalgia that tugged at her very core.

It was the perfect life he had shown her in the past few days. A future she always wanted, to love and be loved truly. But just for the sake of her own desires, she couldn’t deny the fact that these sweet thoughts were putting a blindfold on her eyes hiding the true purpose from where this all started.

Her revenge. And she would never let anything else come in the way of it.

Stepping past the heavy, iron-clad doors that guarded her secret chamber—the place where her darkest secrets roamed free. The four walls within held a gruesome theater of pain and vengeance, a twisted fascination for her, her sinister playhouse where she indulged in her own brand of justice.

She stepped into the space with white statues losing their grace slowly, every drop of blood that left a stain on them spoke of a story untold, a story that belonged to one of the detached preserved heads hanging from the ceiling above. But wait, it looks like something is missing in here. It was then that it struck her consciousness, her newly trapped prey was not in the shackles she left him in. Kim Seokjin, her prey, bound and shackled, had vanished, leaving behind only remnants of his captivity—the tattered restraints, and a pool of congealing blood on the cold stone floor. The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, electrifying her senses with a mixture of fury and unease.

Where did he go?

The air grew thick with tension, and the faint rhythm of her heartbeat echoed through the silent insides, too silent to be alive, a grave warning of looming danger. She turned, her eyes widening in alarm, just in time to catch a glimpse of a figure lunging toward her from the shadows. It was Seokjin, with the eyes of a predator, his movements calculated and deadly.

Before she could react, Seokjin's strong arms wrapped around her, constricting her like a vice. Venom fought against his iron grip, her struggles a desperate symphony of rebellion. But his strength triumphed, overpowering her with an eerie calmness that sent shivers down her spine. She felt his breath against the soft flesh of her lips, a cold whisper of the desired encounter laced with a subtle menace.

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