28-"The secret savior"

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Furious she was, anger that mounted over the rim of her soul only consumed her sanity faster than fire-consuming timber.

The storm that raged over her never succeeded in stopping the dark figure from invading the lands of Seoul. Riding the bike she had always seen Jungkook riding, she drove through the dark wide roads of Seoul.

Rain drenched the girl from head to toe but it failed to put out the fire that burned in her hazel orbs. Fire of betrayal and revenge.

They tried to kill me too.

Just like my mother, Just like Seo Yeon.

Betrayed and killed me.

Her eyes ached from the pain of blood tears that never stopped running down losing their warmth to the brutal cold around. Thunder boomed with lightening striking fiercely in the skies of Seoul.

It flashed roaring loudly as if announcing the she-devil to be back.

Squeezing through the vehicles, the black Ducati roared tearing its way through them. Never did once, Venom stopped or blinked, her blood red eyes screamed what was going on inside her.

It was then when the tires screeched loudly over the wet concrete making the girl jolt to how sudden and abrupt the brake were.

Her eyes rose up and there she saw. In front of her were the castles of Devil’s Eye.

Her steps were firm towards her throne.

She saw how it stood sky high, that same darkness standing with pride.

Dark and Intimidating.

Every step, so powerful.

Every step, groundbreaking

Her eyes directed to those black doors with same auburn snakes she saw back at the Jeons cottage. They were just the way to lead her back here. Right to her throne.

But before she could step any closer, a strong firm grip was all she felt around her. Mouth being covered by a rough palm while she was yanked back like a piece of paper. Those black doors where her throne awaited her now seemed to just grow further apart.

Venom was dragged back until she elbowed the person in the ribs making his grip weaken and lose from over her. A groan was what she heard and the person stumbled back yet she never ran away. Turning around grabbing the person by hair she yanked him close and snaked her arm around his neck holding him in a headlock. The much taller and muscular man was at her mercy just like that.

“Calm down, it’s just me.” The person wheezed through his choking insides and tapped on her arm. The voice felt so familiar that Venom looked down to his face to find none other than…

Kim Namjoon.

Blonde hair brushed back gracefully to expose his wide forehead and a pair of sleek glasses that rested above the bridge of his nose spoke of his elegance.

Her brows knitted seeing the guy and instead of loosening her grip, she tightened it cutting his oxygen completely.

“I m-mean… no harm.” He wheezed choking completely and that was when she released him making the guy fall to his knees and cough fiercely.

“Even if you don’t, you are still annoying to me, always lurking around keeping eyes on me.” She spat angrily standing in front of him.

“I had my reasons.” Namjoon looked at her and it did make her look into those eyes of his as they displayed something so close to brutal pain.

Slowly he got to his feet and stood in front of her. There was pin drop silence between the two, Venom waiting for him to speak while Namjoon struggled with his overwhelming emotions.

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