43- "Soul-less"

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“Where is he? Where could he be? How must he be? He was supposed to be home, he told me he is coming back home, it’s like nine hours past that, and he’s not picking up his phone-…”

“You are giving me a headache Lucas, I have told you many times not to bother me regarding Seokjin”

“Master, I-I can’t help it, am so worried, what if something happened to-…”

“I don’t care, don’t you get it once”

“Please Taehyung, for once try to understand, he’s your brother-”

“You dare to cross your damn limits in front of me, what are you huh? Who are you to tell me what I should do and what I shouldn’t? how dare you refer to me like that?”


“HOW DARE YOU-” Lucas hung his head down immediately realizing he pressed a nerve there.

“I apologize, Master”

“I won’t repeat twice so hear me loud, hear me clear, I don’t care, he is like a living corpse anyways. Must be around carrying his drunk ass in the streets.” Lucas glanced up at the heartless man only to see so much bizarreness kissing the flamey orbs as he talked about his brother. The brother once he held above all.

“You have given me enough trouble. Dismiss before I light up the incinerator again” Hearing him Lucas felt a twinge of hurt blossom in his heart, there was no use to plead in front of the heartless man now. It was not Taehyung, it was not the one who cared about the people around him. It was Inferno, the lord of flames, as they say, his heart was just a handful of ashes now with no emotions left except rage and revenge. The brunette-haired guy turned on the soles of his feet and let a soft sigh slip past his lips.

I guess he doesn’t care anymore. Thought Lucas turning around, he left the dark space of a never-ending abyss for the one who remained lost in it.

His flamey gaze remained glued to the wall forth that held dancing shadows of the fires in the small furnace. Every shadow that swayed on the wall seemed like a tale of its own.

Screaming and yearning to be heard yet their tongue-less figures remained unheeded behind the veils of infinite hatred.

“Isn’t it hilarious Taehyung? The people who broke their ties with you, who devastated the true you and left you on your knees to me… they are back to claim your infatuation when all that is left of you is me, and I don’t know them” He mumbled raising a hand towards the shadows on the wall and swayed is fingers tracing them as if he could read their tales, feel them and understand what’s the pain of being severed.

“I don’t know them, I don’t recognize them, these faces around look so strange to me”

“Oh Kim Taehyung, you naïve thing~ why did you put me in such trouble, all I see are living organisms struggling to survive, even if they have to kill each other to remain on the throne, even if it takes everything in them to be the only ones, how could you love such hideous creature and expect me to do the same after you” Inferno slipped off the smooth silk covers of the mattress and strolled forth to the window pressing the warm soles of his feet against the carpeted floor leaving an impression barely visible. The moon glowed bright tonight, unlike the many nights. The sight was no doubt alluring yet sad.

“You remain hidden behind the blankets of night and sheets of clouds. And I know why so”
Inferno rested his back with the frame of the door-sized window and peered towards the radiant surface of the cold object in the sky.

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