48-"I shall wait for you"

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Three days passed with three nights following like camels in a herd through the mist of haze under the bland skies. Oh, the time fled faster than she anticipated, the raven head kept her mind soul, and thoughts purely occupied. It was a beautiful sunrise that kissed her eyes gently with its golden wings sifting through the silk curtains and gently hugging the girl cuddled in the black sheets. Where old love bites faded, new rose-like hickeys bloomed and claimed the throne in the castle of her porcelain skin.

Orbs shifted under the closed eyelids and a gentle grunt rumbled at the back of her throat as she gave a nice and long stretch to her body pulling the bare leg out of the sheets and tugging it up exposing the love bites littered across the skin of her hip towards the thigh.

Her hand ran across the sheets to find the other side of the bed empty, and her sleep broke as she opened her eyes to look back and find the absence of the other. The room was quiet and empty, Venom relaxed back into the sheets hugging them to her chest.

I want to treat you more than the words 'I love you'. I want to treat you like a true sensual woman deserves to be. I'm talking flowers, candlelight dinners, long drives, date nights, and romance.

His words from the sweet memory of last night brought a warm gorgeous smile to kiss her cherry-soft plush lips, whirling to her side, she snuggled into the side of the bed previously occupied by the raven head. It smelled exactly like him, something so unique, like burnt coffee and cigarette smoke, a scent that hinted at late nights and early mornings, like the cidery smoke of a cigar beside a cup of bitter coffee glowing against a sunrise like the one that blossomed today.

She opened her eyes with those glassy hazel orbs glittering as honeydew drops through the sunlight that brightened them. Venom rose herself up from the embrace of the cozy covers and slid off the bed pulling the ebony silk sheets along. Stepping out the large doors of the balcony, she rested the swell of her veiled hips against the railing to stare at the burning globe rising easing into the layers of the sky.

For the first time in her life, she liked the idea of a bright world. With the faint jasmine-scented breeze blowing through her snow locks, it felt so calming that she forgot about any other worries clouded above her head.

Sinister by the longing to sense something real, deep, and magical, maybe she searched for shared ecstasy, and that's when he came along. She liked the idea of him, a man who carried both the hard edges and the soft centers, the perfect match to her taste, A true man.

She yearned for a man who wouldn't merely lay hands on her body but would venerate it with every fiber of his being. A man who would delve deep into her essence, penetrating her very soul. One who would proudly assert his possession of her, gazing steadfastly into her eyes while declaring her as his own. She sought a stalwart companion, a bastion of support in a world that could be callous and unforgiving. Yet, unexpectedly, she also craved a lover who would render her powerless with desire, leaving her vulnerable to his charms. And she already found one for whom her soul begged.

This was her type of love, like following after an alluring smell of the lone beating heart and warm flesh between the crowds of corpses. The scent so bewitching, a haunting blend of jasmine, fennel, and something else, something indescribable yet undeniably sinister.

Love has a way of growing like a flower, wilting or blossoming, at the strangest, most unpredictable hour. This is how love is, an uncontrollable beast, erratic and impulsive but so enthralling that no one ever escaped its poisonous yet sweet claws to date.

And she just knew she loved him with her all and there was no turning back now. Her thoughts hushed down as her hazel gaze averted toward the familiar raven head stepping into the lush greens in front of the dark castle of his. Venom rested her arm against the fence and peered down at the one who captivated her focus in the blink of an eye.

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