23-"I lost someone"

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#Song recommendation: The truth untold by BTS#

Two, Four, Six, Eight, Ten… Ten days it had been now and her longing eyes and curiosity never seemed to fade away. It was more frequent now that she visited the beach in search of the stranger she met a couple of days before.

Too many questions she had blossoming in the field of her thoughts. That forced her to come back every single day yet find no one, specifically not the raven haired guy with inked skin.

As always it was near to sun set when Angel sat over the earth tearing roots of the giant tree that stood sky high and a home to a million birds of nature.

I wish I could see him again and ask him who was he and how’d he know my name?

“My name… He knew it, but How-…”

A rustle of the shrubs was what brought Angel to halt the train of her words slipping off her lips in a mere whisper. She turned her head back to peer to the thick green that seemed too quiet and calm but there was something that felt off about them as she felt a sense of… Gaze detection.

Squinting her eyes she casted an eye over the jade shrubs glowing in the rays of the setting sun yet it was blinding to separate any two things from each other. Thinking it must be just a rat or any small inhabitant of the jungle she looked away towards the auburn and rosy hues of the skies.

“Maybe I should just forget about-….”

A gasp left her mouth as she heard another rustle with twigs creaking and that crisp of dried leaves on dirt as if something heavy and firm stepped on to them. Angel swiftly turned around hanging her legs sideways over the root bole she sat on.

“Whose there?” Her honeyed eyes that glowed in the sun kissed rays of light flicked through the bushes trying to pinpoint what was in there that caused the disturbance.

“Show yourself.” Her voice held that familiar hint of curiosity as she peered forth to the blades that quietly rustled to the evening breeze passing by like a murmur of the lullaby of nature.

“I know you are there, Show yourself.” The sudden authority in her voice boomed through the air as her orbs then directed right to the pair of brown ones hiding, Inferno felt her gaze piercing right into his brown eyes and deep it went staring into his soul.

Enchanting it was and dominating that left chills to kiss the knobs of his spine.

Exhaling he stepped out.

The silhouette of his figure became clearer slowly being filled with colors as he walked forth and reached her decreasing distances between them. Inferno sat onto the bole in front of her mimicking her actions.

Silence that only held whispers of the fresh breeze that struck the two or the occasional coo of the dove was what remained in between them.

Her eyes scanned over every detail to his face.

Slight curly raven hair that were sprawled all around and came down hanging carelessly over his forehead.

Intense Dark eyes with a Roman nose and smear lips.

Perfectly smooth and tan skin with ink that read ‘The shadow like me’.

“The shadow like me?” She whispered making the intense chocolate orbs dilate and gaze to her soft rosy lips.

“What does that mean?” Angel questioned the stranger out of curiosity.

“It means what it says, simple, the shadow like me.” Inferno spoke in that deep rasp of his voice that left the girl wanting to hear him more, it was as if she has heard it before too.

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