09- Outside

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So many faces. Smiles and laughter. Some groaning some yelling, some bickering and arguing. And some just quiet. Un bothered and silent. But their eyes spoke. They spoke of how they observed or how they just remained detached to the world.

Angel read many faces there, as if open books. Every face was unique, every face held a story that they longed to tell. Every face held an emotion. Angel saw it all.

Was she blessed with a super natural ability to read people's faces or was it the lack of experiencing another soul around her that brought her to feel it heightened when she came across them?

The Busan train station was full of life. There was not even a single booth empty. People were wandering around buying tickets and chaining with the other humans swarming the bullet trains that passed tearing through the chilly air of the underground subways.

This was a new world, a new planet full of so much life, so much souls and scents.

Every brush of the air made Angel realize she was not at the Jeon's residence, that smelled like ginger bread and cupcakes and delicious food Jimin would keep making all the time. It was certainly not Jeon's residence where Angel only got to smell the sea and the sand other than the food.

She was out and away from there.

She was in the.... Outside.

What she longed to see and go to.

She was outside.

"Oui Kid, what you doing there standing still for the half hour now?"

A gruff voice brought the girl to snap out of her thoughts as the hazel gaze shook lightly breaking from the view forth and turned towards the guy towering over her. Dressed in a navy blue uniform, the fat man with his belly poking outwards from his tight suit on which the buttons seem to snap off any minute to the pressure. His brown gaze was stuck to Angel as she peered forth right to him with her dumbstruck expression.


"What Huh? I am watching you from a couple of minutes now, are you lost or something?"

"I... "

"Come here, you shouldn't be wandering around in the crowd, you'd get lost like this?" Grabbing her by the top of her bag pack, the man pulled her along walking away from the center of the crowd.

"I am already tired reporting 2 children missing, can't deal with another brat" he groaned as he pulled Angel along towards the booth.

"I...I am not lost, Ah, let go prick" slapping his hand she tried to pull away.

"Geez, you dipshit I'm tryna help here and you, you are just being rude" scoffing he pushed her onto a stool and slid into his own chair now opening the glass window forth to entertain the customer.

"I don't want your help, how are you even helping by keeping me here" Crossing her arms over her chest, Angel perked a brow and spoke bluntly making the man roll his eyes.

"I am trying to not let you get lost too, now call your parents and tell them you are at Booth 13"

"I said, I'm not lost"

"You looked like though"


"Good morning, I need three tickets to Seoul" A young lady chirped and smiled to the ticketer who smiled back greeting her and nodded.


A beacon of light was what seemed to light up her hazel orbs.

This reminds me of the Icecream platter you bought me back in Seoul. And it was the best.

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