26- It's Time to pay

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Panting heavily she ran into the house, the stone way with flowers on each side was now covered in blood footprints being washed away by the fierce stormy rain.

Seeing the blood, Angel felt dizzy, the metallic smell of blood made her eyes dilate giving these weird chills rush up her spine turning the knobs too fast for her to cope, a gasp left her mouth.

This vacillating sort of feeling that kissed her already puzzled mind made her feel sick, it was wicked how it always made her hear screams and whimpers in the back of her head with broken and blurred pieces of memory.

Angel reached shaky hands forth to the wooden door only to find its lock broken. The door swung open as soon as her hand came in contact with it.

It was all trashed and littered. Her shaky vision ran from one corner of the house to the other and all that she saw was an absolutely littered place with blood sprints splashed here and there.

“O-oppa?” Her shaky voice solely boomed in the trashed house and bounced back to herself.

“Ji Hyun-ah?” There was no one to respond to her other than her own sobs bouncing off the walls.

Glass littered the floors with blood dribbled over as if someone was dragged over them while they bled. The house that blossomed with happiness and smiles was now mourning, it screamed to show the brutal violence that consumed the place.

“J-jimin? Wh-where are you?” Her vision was shaky and blurred from the tears of pain that glossed her eyes.

No matter how much she looked for them she never found the Jeons.

The ringing of a cell phone was what brought Angel to look up towards the room belonging to her brother and his husband. It made her cautious yet curious to hear an unfamiliar ringing of the phone.

Stepping over the glass she walked into the room to see it just as messed up as the rest of the house. There on the messed up and bloody bedsheets she found the glowing screen of a cell phone.

Angel grabbed the cold device in her hands and peered through her shaky vision to see the caller’s name as ‘Unknown’.

She looked around since that specific sense of gaze detection came back. A thick gulp ran down her dry throat. She accepted the call thinking of it as the burglar who might have broken into her house but wait… where did everyone go? Where is her family? Where’d the Jeon’s go?

“H-hello” Her voice came out to be shaky and broken as her lips wobbled while her eyes latched onto the blood sprints over the clear bed covers.

“Hello, my Love.”

Her orbs dilated as soon as the familiar yet so strange voice poured into her ears.

It was as if every other sound died down and all she could hear was her heart palpitating loudly. Some quiet moments passed by as she gathered herself to question the familiar deep and raspy voice that was too unique to be mistaken or forgotten.

“W-who is this?” She asked despite she was a hundred percent sure of whom it could be.

“Oh you still don’t remember hm? So sad”

“Who are you? I asked”

“I thought you’ll recognize me well but don’t worry, you’ll know soon more like remember me… my love” A clear snicker was what she heard.

“Wh-where is my family?” She asked ignoring every other thing the person said.

“They well… Do you want to see?”

A beep of a text message bleeped in her ear and she pulled the phone off to see an incoming message.

Tapping onto the notification with trembling hands to expose an MMS that held a small clip footage. There she saw, the familiar faces with eyes closed, faces bruised and senses cold, restrained on very familiar metallic chairs, and they remained passed out cold.

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