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[Song suggestion# Toxins by Kodoku]

Slowly like the calm waves rippling over the skin of a sea, his consciousness kicked in, bringing the silent pain crawling back to his existence. Seokjin groaned swinging his head to the other side with the left side of his skill pounding with immense pain shooting through it. He hissed and tried to hold his head only to find his arms restricted. Opening his eyes through the dried blood sticking to his skin, the guy looked down at himself being tied with metal chains while a white chalky structure crawled around his neck. It appeared to be an arm of a statue.

Seokjin looked back to see the head of the statue with dried splinters of blood over its white surface. Those white lifeless eyes peered back into his as if trying to communicate a message through his sealed lips and chained tongue. Seokjin found himself to be chained against a statue that held the breathing human in a headlock peering right down at him trying to steal the life out of him.

Panicked and terrified about what was happening, he looked around frantically with shaking orbs to discover a huge chamber with chopped and dead heads hanging from the ceiling with long chains decorating the ceiling like chandeliers.

Beneath them were numerous chalk statues, structures tainted with stale blood and lifeless pallid eyes they held chains and cuffs waiting for their turn to hold the culprits in the circle of verdict.

What is this place? He peered around with wide orbs feeling sharp chills kiss his spine, heavy breaths condensed in front of him leaving him to shiver to the freezing temperature of the room, or was it the warmth of life leaving the vessel of his body slowly?

Yanking at the chains trying to get himself lose, Seokjin withered like a fish out of the water yet all in vain. It was impossible to get out of such restraints. Must be a mastermind behind this right?

The revolving chair turned around as she shifted in the chair hearing the pained struggles of the former. Venom looked up to see the once unconscious man now thrash against the statue out of dread. She quietly watched him struggle like a prisoner in a lockup built like a well.

"You are foolish enough to try or should I say daring?"

Seokjin stopped his struggles hearing the familiar mellow voice, that familiar rasp to its edges, how could he ever not recognize it? He rose his gaze up to the voice's owner and there he saw her, gracefully seated on the chair. As always.

Intimidating and enchanting.

And those strange eyes of hers hiding his favorite sunset-like irises. These new ones just gave off a cold feeling. They were not much different from what the statues around them had.

Pallid merciless eyes

She looked like their queen. Cold-blooded, merciless, and heartless. So, this was her playhouse, right? And I wasn't dreaming?

That means she is actually alive and- here right in front of me.

"I have always loved your daring nature Seokjin, but overconfidence can cost you losing the game" Her words broke his chains of thought and forced his focus to the present.

"This is not a dream?"

A snort was what she gave off at his very first words after gaining consciousness. It was funny how the man simply questioned the reality of his surroundings.

"Maybe this might help you wake up" Venom swung a small blade between her fingers and aimed it right at the restrained figure forth.

The blade flew past his existence kissing the shell of his ear smoothly leaving a scratch deep enough for the blood to seep out. The blade clanked against the statue behind and fell down. Seokjin hissed to the burning sting on his skin leaving Venom to sit back with crossed arms and gaze focused on him.

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