27-" The Devil Within"

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{Song Recommendation: The Devil Within}

The doors were hit open so brutally it left Yoongi nudged in his chair leaving him to spin it around to see what was all the fuss about.

And what he saw left his feet glued to the grounds underneath.


“Forgotten me so soon, Brother?”


A week before on the same stormy night, the night the Jeons were captured.

Screams were what filled the room with the auburn snakes carved in the black doors.


As soon the dying Angel entered the forbidden doors with tainted red robes of hers, she felt her insides being inked with this darkness from around. It seemed as if it was just waiting for her.

Yet it never seemed like something too strange.

It’s silver metallic sharpness, even cutting the light into two.

Those black handles that held the poison as if reins to control it. And then those familiar initials carved into them.

The space was filled with metal and darkness.

Daggers, blades of every type, guns, and ammo. Everything that only thirsted for violence and blood.

And it all came back to her as if fierce waters breaking the barrages rushing to their origin, claiming the grounds that belonged to them and them alone.

She couldn’t breathe …. The air felt airless.

Her insides thumped to the lack of oxygen making this burning and suffocating feeling engulf her existence. All she heard was her own heartbeat deafening her with faint memories now screaming as they came to life.

Orbs shook too fast with this unstable vision as if she is looking between many leaves falling off a tree. The memories flashed in front of her eyes too fast for her to cope. She fell forth on her knees gasping for a breath.

She felt a burning warm liquid ooze up in her throat as she felt it forcing itself up to her mouth. She gurgled and choked puking blood out onto her palms.

The side effects of forced memory loss.

A war was going on inside her. Someone was trying to come out yet she was trying to keep the almost broken doors to past closed.

Yet the dying Angel never knew of what devil she stood against. And with just one harsh blow the doors to her origin broke open.

~I’ll be here when you think you’re all alone

Seeping through the cracks, I’m the poison in your bones.

My love is your disease, I won’t let it set you free.

Till I break you….~


Heart-wrenching screams.


Deserted pleads.


Blood like tears.

Her preys and her.

“P-please Venom, give me one more chance”

“I didn’t mean to, I-…I will not let you down, please.”

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