SCP-024 (Game Show of Death)

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Summary: SCP-024 is an abandoned sound stage that, when entered by multiple people, will become the building where a game show is being filmed. "Contestants" are greeted by a disembodied announcer's voice. Two-way conversations with the voice is possible, but highly unlikely. The announcer states that the "contestants" are about to take part in a game show, where the winner gets fabulous prizes, while the losers become trapped in 024 forever. However, people can decline the offer to play, getting them, essentially, kicked out of 024. Winners and decliners aren't allowed back in 024, due to an invisible barrier. Once the contestants have accepted, the room takes the form of an obstacle course, which is different each time. Contestants must traverse the course by themselves, or in some cases with a team, to win. Obstacles can be anywhere from easy to life-threatening. Sometimes, due to the obstacles, no contestant wins, causing 024 to shut off until the next batch of contestants. Anyone breaking the rules, whatever they may be, will be met with extreme violence. The announcer will call them out, a "studio guardian" humanoid figure will appear, and the contestant will never be seen again. When a winner is declared, everyone else is a loser, resulting in the winner leaving with the prize, usually money, a paid vacation somewhere, or electronics, and the losers disappearing. After the show, a VHS tape/DVD will appear in a mailbox near 024, with a filmed version of the most recent show, although no cameras have been seen in 024. A live studio audience is also seen in the tape, but not by contestants during the game.

Usefulness: Only useful if using the D-Class to win the prizes, but I don't think the Ethics Committee would want us to waste human lives in order to win a PS4. Don't even think about it, Bright.

Against 682: It would make for an entertaining video, but we don't know if sentient animals are treated the same as human contestants. Also, it would be very unlikely that 682 would lose the game show. Coercing him to break the rules could potentially get him taken away for good. Pending O5 approval.

 Pending O5 approval

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One instance of SCP-024's interior

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One instance of SCP-024's interior.

One instance of SCP-024's interior

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A studio guardian caught on film.

Example of a VHS sent by SCP-024

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Example of a VHS sent by SCP-024.

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