SCP-065 (Destroyed Organic Catalyst)

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Summary: SCP-065 is a spherical region of space. 065 was created when the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) accidentally destroyed another, undiscovered SCP object. The SCP that was destroyed was discovered to be a small stone figure of Kokopelli, a Native American fertility god, which the residents of the farm were using to boost their crop yields. 065 is currently at a 12-meter radius of effect, from its previous 108-meter radius of effect. Living things entering the 'bubble' will have all of their cells converted to stem cells, have every cell die and then reanimate, and finally the organism will undergo rapid mutations. The larger and more complex an organism is, the quicker the effects of 065 manifest. Insects/plants show little to no changes from exposure, while humans mutate within 15 minutes. The center of 065 cannot be directly observed or observed through recording devices. Any views of 065's center are heavily distorted, causing people who view 065 directly to become nauseous.

Usefulness: Not useful since the mutations are random and life threatening.

Against 682: We don't want 682 mutating at all, even if it kills him. We also don't want him to learn how to mimic 065's effects.

 We also don't want him to learn how to mimic 065's effects

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