Each entry includes important info about each SCP (at time of writing), as well as their theorized usefulness, both in general and aginst SCP-682.
Note: Some of these were written when I was younger and worse at writing. Newer releases will be bette...
Summary: SCP-061 is an acoustic computer program developed by the SCP Foundation in response to the knowledge that other individuals and governments have been trying to develop technology to control the minds of the general population. Through a process I don't fully understand myself, 061 uses acoustic codes to block conscious signals from moving around the brain, while inserting its own signals for the brain to interpret. In layman's terms, 061 can control someone's mind through sound alone. The mind control only works if the person can hear 061. Subjects affected by 061 lose any ability to do/think anything else besides what 061 instructs them to do. 061 was created not for use, but rather for research to see how to counteract other auditory mind control programs around the world. Note: Be specific when giving commands to subjects, as they do not have common sense under the control of 061.
Usefulness: Extremely useful in the right hands, extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. Much like SCP-010 (Collars of Control), 061 can be used to get people to do what you want. Since a physical device is not necessary in controlling subjects, the size of the subject would not matter.
Against 682: Since size would no longer be a factor in controlling minds, it would be much easier to use on 682 than 010 would be. Note: Following testing with 061 on 682, 682 developed the ability to mimic the sounds produced by 061's program, causing everyone within earshot to go unconscious. Repeat testing with 682 when his respiratory system/vocal cords are damaged beyond use pending O5 approval.
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