Chapter 1: We're here

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Shinobu's POV:

Today was Saturday 7:00 am in the morning and I was making breakfast for Kanae and Kanao. Kanae was taking a shower and Kanao was deciding what clothes to wear. While those two were being slow as usual, I grabbed an orange juice from the fridge and three glass from the cabinet. After 20 minutes, the two were finally on the table and we started eating together.

"Shinobu" Kanae asked.

"Yes" I replied while drinking my juice.

"Are you gonna date anyone?" Kanae asked with a smile.

I choked on my drink when she said that, why would she ask that kind of question out of the blue?

"Why do you ask Nee-San" I said after swallowing my orange juice.

"Because I think you should start talking with new people, especially boys." Kanae teased

Ticks appeared on my forehead when she said that. "Née-San, I don't need to date a guy just to talk to them." I replied with an angry tone. "Besides, the only boy I'm gonna date is the boy who saved me when I was a kid." I added.

Kanae sighed "Shinobu, it's been years and you're still talking about him? I really think you should move on from this bo-."

I cut her off "Née-San, I'm never gonna give up on him, I know I'll find him and when I do, I'll ask him out on the most amazing date ever!"

Kanae was shocked at how determined I was for this man, even Kanao who was eating her bacon and egg was surprised.

"Fine Shinobu, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't interact with new people, the only people you talk to is Me, Kanao, our parents, Sanemi and Mitsuri. You don't even talk to my best friend Tsutako or Mitsuri's husband Iguro or best friend Rengoku." Kanae said.

Kanae wasn't wrong when she said that, I rarely interacted with people because I was busy with University and I was always thinking about him so much, it went to the point where I ignored everyone in my class around me except my teacher.

"Ok Née-San, I'll talk with new people, but I have to be with you." I sighed.

"That's fine Shinobu, beside I'm planning on inviting Tsutako to Mitsuri's restaurant, so you already have two new people to talk to." Kanae smiled out of relief.

"Aren't the three of us gonna go jogging on the park?" Kanao asked.

"Of course Kanao, I want you to feel free and relaxed on the park." Kanae smiled.

After the conversation about me not talking to people, we finally got out of the house started walking to the park.


Tsutako's POV:

I was sitting on the couch watching TV while waiting for Sabito to call me and tell me Giyu has finally returned. After awhile, I finally received a phone call, but it wasn't from Sabito instead it was from my best friend Kanae. I answered the call.

T: Hello?
K: Hey Tsutako, I was wondering if you wanna come and have a big dinner at night with my sisters?
T: I don't know, I might be busy. I'll text you if I can make it.
K: Busy? Don't tell me you actually found someone, cause you know as well as I do you're gonna be a virgin forever.
K: Ara ara, Tsutako you know I was just kidding.
T: Whatever, anyway I'll text you if I can make it. Anyways I gotta go cya.
K: Cya Ms Virgin. (Hangs up)

"Kanae sometimes I want strangle you." I said in a very angry tone.


Sabito's POV:

I was at the airport with Makomo, waiting for Giyu and the Kamado siblings to arrive. I was originally gonna call Tsutako when Giyu arrvies, but I decided to surprise her.

"How long do we have to wait Peachy!" Makomo whined.

"They're be here very soon Makomo" I said.

I was starting to lose my patience's, I was gonna stand up and buy coffee until I saw the people Makomo and I have been waiting for.

Giyu's POV:

"Giyu Nii-San, We're finally here!!!" Nezuko yelled in excitement.

"Yes we are" I said with a smile.


That's the first chapter, sorry if its not a good start and sorry for the bad grammars, ill try to be better next chapter xD
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