Chapter 17: Request

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Nobody's POV:

It's was Monday 7:00 am in the morning. Shinobu was smiling while asleep, because she was beyond happy that she shared true love with the man she loved for so long. After a few minutes, she finally woke up and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning Giy-." Shinobu greeted, but as soon as she looked at her bed to greet him.

Giyu was gone.

"Giyu?!" Shinobu uttered.

Not only was Giyu gone, but his clothes was also gone. This frightened Shinobu, and she quickly got off her bed and grabbed some random clothes to put on, since she didn't want to her sisters to see her naked. After Shinobu put some clothes on, she quickly went downstairs, not even bothering to put her butterfly pin on. After making her way downstairs, she went to the kitchen to see her sisters, Kanao eating and Kanae cooking.

"Ara Shinobu, did you have fun last night." Kanae teased, but Shinobu couldn't care less about what she said, as Giyu was her priority right now.

"Née-San! Where is Giyu?!" Shinobu asked, making Kanae confused, not only because of her sudden question, but she also saw small tears.

"Are you okay Shinobu?" Kanae was becoming concerned.

"I'm fine! I just need to know where Giyu is!" Shinobu asked.

"Giyu? Well he's..." Kanae said, but was cut off.

"Is everything alright?" Giyu asked after coming out of the bathroom.

When Shinobu heard his voice and looked at him, she started to tear up even more. Kanae and Giyu immediately notice.

"GIYU!!!" Shinobu yelled as she runs towards him and hugs him.

"Shinobu? What's the matter?" Giyu asked with worry.


Giyu became extremely saddened at her expression and placed his chin on her head and hugged her back.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, my Sweet Butterfly." Giyu said.

Shinobu pulled her face away from his chest and looked at his blue ocean eyes.

"Giyu..." Shinobu uttered and Giyu hummed in response.

"I know this is a selfish request, but..." Shinobu said.

"It's okay, you ask me anything." Giyu smiled.

"Can you please move out of your house and live here with me?" Shinobu stuttered.

"EHHH!?!" Giyu and Kanae exclaimed and Kanao widened her eyes.

"Shinobu?! Are you sure about that?!" Kanae asked.

"Your sister is right, Shinobu. Do you really want me to move in here? I mean, we just got together an-." Giyu said but was cut off when Shinobu pulled him in for a kiss.

Everyone in the kitchen had different reactions at Shinobu's action. Kanae covered her mouth, trying her best not scream. Kanao blushed a little and tried her best to look away. And Giyu's eyes were wide open, but eventually kissed her back. After a few seconds the two pulled away.

"Shinobu..." Giyu asked.

"Ever since the day you saved me, I couldn't think of anything but you. I promised myself if I see you again, I would take you out on an amazing date no matter how long it will take. And now here we are. What I'm trying to say is, I love you too much to be separated from you, even though I won't be with you during Uni, I want the rest of the time to be you and me. Whether that's after Uni or before Uni or when there is holidays." Shinobu said, making Giyu shocked at how determined she was for him. Although he was like Shinobu, hoping to find her one day, it definitely was not the same level as her.

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