Chapter 40: What I Desire 🍋

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WARNING ⚠️: 18+/LEMONS 🍋!!!

Nobody's POV:

Sunday 9:00pm

Tsutako was in the kitchen washing some dishes while the siblings were upstairs talking to their family through Giyu's computer.

"Oh my goodness! Tanjiro, Nezuko! How have you two been? We've missed you so much! It feels like it's been forever!" Kie was crying.

"We miss you too Mom. We miss all of you! I still wish you all came!" Nezuko had a little tear in her eye.

"We wish we came too, but you know why we can't come, Nezuko. We don't wanna leave an important piece of our life and hand it to someone else." Tanjuro said with sadness.

"I know..." Nezuko looked down and Tanjiro rubbed her head to comfort her.

With Tsutako...

Tsutako finished washing and drying all the dishes, she then was about to go upstairs to check on the siblings until...

*Door bell ringing*

Tsutako turned around after hearing the doorbell and went to check to see who it was.

'Is it Sabito or Giyu?' Tsutako questioned herself while opening the door.

Tsutako was surprised to see who it was. It wasn't Sabito or Giyu.

It was Kanae.

"Kanae!? What a surprise! May I ask what you are doing here? Are you here to see the siblings or just make fun of me..." Tsutako asked which made Kanae giggled.

"I'm here to see you, and don't worry, I won't make fun of you." Kanae smiled.

'Yet.' Kanae thought.

"Uh okay, come in then." Tsutako said.

Kanae came in and after Tsutako closed the door, the two went to living room and sat on the couch and discuss something important.

"So. What is it you want to talk to me about?" Tsutako asked, which made Kanae smirk.

"Do you know a man named Masachika Kumeno?" Kanae smirked, making Tsutako blush a little.

"W-what?" Tsutako stuttered.

"I said, do you know a cop name Masachika Kumeno?" Kanae asked again.

Tsutako was extremely nervous at answering this question, especially when it's with o the one person she did not want to talk to when it comes to liking or loving people. But in the end, Tsutako decided to take the risk and answer Kanae.

"Yes, I do know Masachika Kumeno. Why do you ask?" Tsutako said.

"I'm surprised I've never told you this, but Masachika is an old friend of mine." Kanae answered, surprising Tsutako.

"Really? Well that's a bit of a surprise. But I seriously doubt you came here just to tell me that you and Kumeno-San being friends." Tsutako asked.

"You're right. That is not why I came here. I came here to ask if you like him." Kanae smirked, making Tsutako blush.

"W-what!?" Tsutako exclaimed.

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