Chapter 30: The Sun Cream Puff

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Nobody's POV:

Tanjiro and Nezuko were walking home together with Kanao. Tanjiro was fuming a little bit due to his younger sister having a date with two people he wasn't friends with.

"Nezuko, I don't like this. You dating two people, that doesn't seem right, and it's with those two, I really don't think this is a good idea." Tanjiro said.

"Oni-Chan, I already told you, Agatsuma-San and Tokito-San are not as bad as you think. Besides, you should be more focused on your date instead of mine." Nezuko pouted which made Tanjiro and Kanao blush.

"So, Tanjiro. Where do you think we should meet on Saturday?" Kanao asked.

"There was one place that has this amazing food, and that place is one of the reasons why my sis and I were so excited to come to the city." Tanjiro smiled, which made Nezuko smile as well.

"What place is that?" Kanao asked.

"The Sun Cream Puff!!!" Nezuko screamed in excitement.

"The one owned by Yoriichi and Kokushibo?" Kanao asked.

"Yeah!" The siblings answered which made Kanao sad for the two.

"I'm really sorry Tanjiro and Nezuko. But that place has been closed since last year." Kanao said, shocking the two.

"WHAT!!! WHY!?!" The siblings exclaimed.

"From what I remember, it was personal reasons." Kanao answered.

"Like money?" Tanjiro asked and Kanao shook her head.

"Oni-Chan, you know to well money is not the reason why they would shut down. Unless it was out of retirement since they made enough money, but that is definitely not the case..." Nezuko said in sadness, which made Kanao her head.

"I'm sorry... I should not have said that..." Kanao uttered.

"It's okay Kanao-Chan." Nezuko gave her a genuine smile

"Don't worry about it Kanao. Anyways, where do you think we should meet?" Tanjiro gave her a sincere smile.

"Maybe the park, it would be nice if we started our date at the place we met." Kanao smiled.

"Yeah! That would be perfect, it we could meet like, 10:30am?" Tanjiro gave a time meeting.

"Yeah, 10:30am is perfect, enough time for preparing and stuff." Kanao smiled.

"Okay! On Saturday, Nezuko and I will be at the park a bit early waiting. Me waiting for you. And Nezuko waiting for Agatsuma and Tokito..." Tanjiro said and then looked down a bit, which made Nezuko pout and Kanao giggle.

As the three were walking home, Nezuko was starting to think about the puffs and began to drift away.


At the Kamado house, the family were on Giyu's laptop trying to open YouTube. After struggling a bit, since Giyu would be the one to open things for them, they finally opened YouTube and were wondering on what to watch.

"Hey, can we watch that?" Rokuta asked and pointed at the video's thumbnail.

"That's a food video, I don't wanna watch that." Takeo said.

"Wait, this might be worth watching. It's called 'The Sun Cream Puff tenth anniversary', that sounds interesting. Maybe we should watch it." Nezuko said and everyone except Takeo nodded. Takeo a few seconds gave up.

"Fine..." Takeo sighed.

With that, Tanjuro clicked on the video and the Kamado family began watching the video. The video appeared to be a news type of video, as soon as it started, a lady reporter began talking about the puffs.

"Can you believe, it's been ten years since the cream puff started and the twins are still making cream puffs." The reporter said.

"Wow, ten years? They must love making these 'cream puffs'." Kie said.

"To think they wouldn't retire, after all these years. I probably would've retire after three years, look at the two. On their first day of their business, they manage to make more money than some celebrities." The reporter.

"Wow, that is a lot of money. It wonder how these cream puff taste." Hanako said.

"I'm sure they're good." Tanjiro said.

The screen then changed into the twins making the cream puff up close. When the Kamado family saw the cream puff much closer on the screen, their eyes were wide open at how well the twins make the cream puff and at how good it looks despite the fact they weren't finished making it.

"That is just them making it, and already that looks good. I wonder how the end result will look." Shigeru said.

As soon the twins were done making the cream puff, the Kamado were absolutely amazed at how tasty it looks, some of the siblings were drooling because of it.

"That looks really tasty, I want some..." Takeo uttered.

"Look at this massive queue, with a queue like this, you would think it would be like five or six hours. But because of the twins immense skills and speed, this massive line is only one and half hour." The reporter said.

"One and a half hours with that queue!?!" The family exclaimed.

The family were watching the video, until they heard the open, which made Tanjuro pause immediately. It was Giyu.

"Hello everyone." Giyu greeted and the family greeted back.

"You guys look... um... hungry. But it doesn't seem like the usual one, what is the matter?" Giyu asked with worry.

"Giyu Nii-San, we were just watching this amazing video about these twins making these delicious looking cream puffs." Tanjiro said, making Giyu realise why the family looked like that.

"Let me guess. It is the Sun Cream Puff." Giyu said which surprised them a little.

"Eh!?! You know it?" Nezuko uttered.

"Of course, during high school, Née-San, Sabito, Makomo and I would always get the cream puffs on the weekend." Giyu replied.

"How tasty were they?" Kie asked.

"Eating the cream puff felt like you were in a entirely different world, in a good way. Sweet warm cream in your mouth, never could recommend any sweet but that." Giyu said, which made the family so 'relaxed' after hearing him, especially Nezuko and Tanjiro.

"Giyu Nii-San, do you think we will ever have some of it when we move to the city?" Nezuko asked.

"Of course you will." Giyu smiled.

End of Flashback...

After thinking about her family and the video, Nezuko just sighed and looked at Kanao and bid her farewell since the two were at her place. Before the siblings left, Kanao decided to tell them something.

"Nezuko! Tanjiro!" Kanao yelled and the two turned around.

"Yes?" Nezuko asked.

"I forgot to mention this, but Muichiro Tokito is a relative to Yoriichi and Kokushibo." Kanao said which shocked Tanjiro and made Nezuko scream out of excitement.

"REALLY!?!" Nezuko jumped in excitement.

"Really." Kanao nodded.


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