Chapter 32: Nezuko's Double Date

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Nobody's POV:

Tanjiro, was beyond shocked and red at Kanao's action, but thanks to his dirty side, he kissed her back. Kanao knew what to do, due to her watching serval "videos" on the internet, she opened her mouth and licked Tanjiro's lips. Tanjiro was surprised someone like Kanao would something like this, but his dirty side couldn't care less, so he gladly opened his own mouth and began tongue wrestling Kanao's tongue.

'God, what the hell is happening. This doesn't seem right, but for some reason I just can't stop. I can't or I won't?' Tanjiro thought and then bit her lower lip, making her moan a little. Tanjiro then inserted his tongue in her mouth once again and wrestled her tongue.

'His mouth feels so warm and good...' Kanao thought.

Kanao wrapped her arms around Tanjiro's neck and deepened the kiss and explored his mouth with her tongues. After a few minutes, they finally pulled away for air which formed a saliva thread. They looked each other in the eyes, and their nose were touching.

"I'm sorry Tanjiro, I should not have done that, but it was just too tempti-" Kanao tried to say something but was cut off.

"Kanao, don't be sorry. It's not your fault, this is what love is, unpredictable." Tanjiro smiled and gave Kanao a peck on the lips, making a her smile.

Kanao was happy and hugged him and placed her face in his shoulder.

"Thank you..." Kanao muttered, and Tanjiro hugged her back.

Meanwhile with Nezuko and her dates...

Nezuko being the most energetic person, wanted to go somewhere that was just as fun as her. So Nezuko took Zenitsu and Muichiro to an amusement park, the three were at the front gate which was guarded by a security.

"How do we get through the gate?" Nezuko asked.

"We just buy tickets over there." Zenitsu pointed at the ticket booth.

"Okay! Let's go then!" Nezuko said and dragged her dates to the ticket booth.

The three were in front of the ticket person, and they all purchased their own tickets and after that, entered the amusement park. Nezuko was astonished at sight of all the things the amusement park had, she had a massive smile on her face and Zenitsu and Muichiro noticed the smile and blushed at it.

"So, what do you wanna ride first?" Muichiro asked.

"Let's try that!" Nezuko pointed.

"The roller coaster? Are you sure?." Zenitsu said.

"Yes, I'm sure! Why?" Nezuko asked.

"I'm worried that you might have extreme anxiety once you enter the ride, let's maybe try something a bit simpler like bumper cars before we take that." Zenitsu replied.

"I'm pretty sure the one with extreme anxiety is you." Muichiro said, which made a tick appear on Zenitsu's forehead.

"What did you say!?!" Zenitsu angrily asked.

"I said you are a pussy." Muichiro insulted, making Zenitsu's eyes widen in extreme anger and he began cracking his knuckles.

"You bastard!!!" Zenitsu's screamed and lunged at Muichiro preparing to punch him, until...

"HEY!!!" Nezuko screamed, making Zenitsu stop and the two boys turned their heads and looked at Nezuko.

"If you are gonna fight each other, then I'm ending this date." Nezuko said.

"Okay! We won't fight!" The two uttered, and Nezuko sighed in relief.

"Now, like I said, let's go on the roller coaster!" Nezuko said and the nodded.

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