Chapter 41: Be happy with you

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Nobody's POV:

After ten minutes of Kanae and Sanemi being asleep after their fun time, Tsutako and Masachika finally finished their drinks and went to the karaoke room and Tsutako knocked on the door.

"Kanae? Shinazugawa? Are you two done?!" Tsutako yelled while knocking the door.

Sanemi woke up immediately after hearing his name and the door being knocked. Sanemi carefully moved the sleeping Kanae on the other side of the couch and quickly put on his clothes after that, but he couldn't really do anything for Kanae right away.

"Yes? Oh, it's just you two." Sanemi opened the door and sighed in relief.

"So Sanemi, did you have fun?" Masachika smiled, making Sanemi blush.

"You guys heard us?" Sanemi stuttered.

"Are you serious? Everyone in the bar heard you and Kanae doing that, you guys were beyond loud..." Tsutako face palmed, which made Sanemi blush even more.

Although people hearing him and Kanae having fun was definitely embarrassing, he doesn't have regrets.

"Whatever, at least Kanae and I had fun unlike you two virgins." Sanemi smirked, making the two blush madly.

"Sanemi/Shinazugawa!!!" Tsutako and Masachika were embarrassed, and Sanemi just laughed at them.

"Anyways, Tsutako can you help me put Kanae's clothes back on. I mean, I can do it myself. But I wanna make this a little quick." Sanemi said.

"What!? Why!?" Tsutako exclaimed, making Sanemi sigh.

"I like said, I wanna make this quick, and I obviously don't want Masachika seeing my naked girlfriend." Sanemi held his nasal bone area.

'Well that is true, I don't want Masachika seeing any naked woman but me- WAIT WHAT!?! TSUTAKO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!?!' Tsutako mentally screamed and then slapped herself.

"Tomioka-Chan. Are you alright?" Masachika asked with concerns.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Anyways, I'm ready to help you with Kanae." Tsutako said and Sanemi hummed in response.

Tsutako entered the room and Sanemi closed the door as soon she was in. Masachika on the other hand just went to bar to get another while waiting for the two to finish putting Kanae's clothes on. In the room, Tsutako of course saw Kanae sleeping quietly, then she saw something on her and on the couch.

It was Sanemi's cum.

"Shinazugawa." Tsutako uttered.

"Yeah." Sanemi said while grabbing Kanae's clothes.

"I'm not touching her until you remove those semens..." Tsutako said and Sanemi panicked after what she said.

"Oh fuck! How could I forget!" Samei yelled and grabbed several tissues and wiped all the cum he see off.


After the two were done putting Kanae's clothes on, they oh well Sanemi cleaning a few things in the room. Tsutako on the other hand quickly went to the washroom and washed her hands several times since she was worried that some of Sanemi's cum might have been on Kanae's clothes.

"Oh god, please cleanse my hands..." Tsutako was rubbing her hands very roughly.

The two were done, and both went to the bar where Masachika was waiting. Although Sanemi tried to wake Kanae up, she just kept groaning and moving around not wanting to be awake. So Sanemi had no choice but to carry her, piggyback style, home. As soon the Sanemi and Tsutako entered the bar, they well Sanemi, were given a bunch of cheers and applauses.

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