Chapter 3: Park

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Nobody's POV:

Sabito have been driving for nearly 1 hour, the 3 people at the back were asleep and Giyu was talking to Sabito about how things been while he was gone. 

"How as things been while I was gone?" Giyu asked.

"It's been good actually, I'm the P.E teacher at Kimetsu Academy. Though some of the students can be a pain in the ass, especially two people. And Makomo and I are officially together which you of course knew." Sabito chuckled.

"Yea, Tsutako Née-San told me you became a P.E teacher, I thought you wanted be a cop." Giyu said.

"That was my first option, but after I heard news about the previous P.E teacher quitting, I thought 'hey maybe I can help students hone their skills and become good enough to really contend with the other school'." Sabito said which made Giyu smile very happily since being a cop can be dangerous and he didn't wanna know his friend had been killed and he didn't want to see Makomo in despair.

"How long until we arrive home?" Giyu asked.

"Like 20 minutes." Sabito answered and Giyu just hummed in response.

20 minutes later.


It was 9:25 am and they finally arrived at Tsutako's house who was still waiting for a phone call, she began to worry until she heard a car outside and she decided to walk out of the house and see who it was. When she walked out, she gasped and covered her mouth when she saw the person she has not seen in so long next to Sabito.

Tsutako's POV:

When Giyu hopped out of the car, I immediately ran towards him and gave him a hug and I felt tears coming out of my eyes which I didn't care one bit.

"WELCOME GIYU, I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" Tsutako cried which made Giyu tear up a little.

"I've miss you too Nee-San." Giyu said with tears coming down.

"Sorry I didn't call, I wanted to surprise you." Sabito smiled awkwardly with his right hand behind his head.

I pulled away from Giyu and punched Sabito's shoulder which he didn't mind at all.

"Don't scare me like that again! I was worried something happened to you idiot!" I yelled at Sabito.

"Well you know you could've called us right?" Sabito countered.

'Fuck I could have, why am I so stupid' I thought while pouting.

"I see Makomo and the siblings are still asleep, maybe one you should go and wake them up." I said after wiping my tears.

"I'll wake them up." Giyu replied.

Giyu's POV:

I opened the back seat and gently shook Tanjiro's shoulder who was starting to groan and afterwards yawn after waking up.

"Wake up, we're finally at your new house." I said with a smile. "Can you wake the other two up Tanjiro." Tanjiro nodded.

While Tanjiro was waking the two sleepy heads, I opened the trunk to grab my suitcase. After grabbing the case, I finally saw the three hopping out off the car.

"So this is where we're gonna live!? This house is so big!" Nezuko exclaimed.

"I guess it is, but there's much bigger houses than that." Makomo said.

"EHHH?!?" Both Tanjiro and Nezuko yelled at the same time.

"Let's not worry about how big the house is. Tanjiro, Nezuko, this is the person you always talk to on the laptop, my older sister Tsutako." I said while introducing them to Tsutako.

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