Chapter 52: Holiday Gift

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Nobody's POV:

At the Hotsprings...

The people who went to the hotsprings instead of the beach were just relaxing and feeling free, especially Iguro after the screams between Suma and Makio.

"Uzui, when I was driving your wives. I thought this was gonna be the worst trip in my entire life because of their screams, but after getting out and arriving in the hotsprings, I've never felt so relieved. It was like the worst thing became the best thing." Iguro sighed, making Uzui laugh.

"Can I ask why they were screaming?" Hakuji asked.

"Because they thought that HE was gonna ask Tsutako Tomioka to be his wife." Iguro answered.

"Ptttffff!!! That's funny, but it was obviously a joke! Besides she admitted to me and the kids that she's with someone!" Uzui purposely screamed so his wives could hear him.

On the women's side...

After hearing what Uzui said about Tsutako, his wives gave out a massive sigh of relief. So much, Makio almost sank herself, and she started making bubbles with her breath.

"Thank god for that. I didn't want Tsutako to be all lovey dovey with Tengen-Sama." Suma said, making Mitsuri giggle.

"But you gotta admit, Tsutako-Chan is a very beautiful woman. I'm sure whoever she's with must be very lucky." Mitsuri smiled.

Koyuki was just looking at the four women chatting, as she was looking at them, she couldn't help but feel a little... jealous.

'I feel like a wooden board...' Koyuki thought while looking at her breast. She was about to touch it until...

"So, Koyuki-Chan! What do you think about the trip?" Mitsuri asked, scaring her a bit.

"Oh! Umm, it's nice. Nice water and stuff..." Koyuki replied, which the some of them worry because of how she just acted. Makio on the other hand already knew on why Koyuki was acting like that, so she quietly moved behind her and waited.

"Are you okay, Koyuki? You seem a little upset? Did something happen?" Hinatsuru asked with concerns.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just... I shouldn't say it, it's a bit... embarrassing..." Koyuki replied.

"Oh come on! You can tell us! We're all grown ups! We can say anything!" Suma said.

"Okay! It's just... I can't help but feel jealous at your... body's." Koyuki answered and blush out of embarrassment. When they heard the reason on why Koyuki sounded upset, they couldn't help but giggle.

"That's a funny and understandable reason!" Mitsuri giggled.

"Seeing you girls makes me feel like a flat board..." Koyuki said. And then, Makio popped out of the water behind her and wrapped her arms around Koyuki, shocking everyone.

"M-Makio-San!?! What are you doing!?!" Koyuki exclaimed.

"What are you talking about woman? You have such a delightful body." Makio smirked and then squeezed Koyuki's boobs, making her moan a bit.

"Ahh! Makio-San!" Koyuki moaned, and she moved her hands downwards.

"Sure your boobs isn't as big as ours, but it's still a nice size. But I think your main attribute comes from your curvy body. I'm actually quite jealous of it." Makio said, surprising the others.

"Really?" Koyuki asked, and she nodded.

"HUHHH!?! Let me take a look!" Suma yelled.

"NO!!! IT'S ALREADY WEIRD THAT MAKIO-SAN IS TOUCHING ME LIKE THIS!!! I DON'T WANT ANY MORE WEIRDNESS!!!" Koyuki screamed, but Suma of course ignored her. Suma jumped in the water and wrapped her arms around Koyuki's waist and Makio squeezed her breast even more, making her moan even more.

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