Chapter 50: Ready for the trip?

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Nobody's POV:


Today was the day. The last day of school and everyone of course was excited. Because Giyu and Tsutako didn't have anything to do, the two were asked by Kanae to invite the people they wanted to invite for the trip. After Shinobu and the others left their house, Giyu was in the living room watching TV, waiting for his big sister to arrive.

30 minutes later...

*Doorbell ringing*

After hearing the doorbell, Giyu went to the door to see who it was, although he knew who it was.

"Hello Née-San." Giyu greeted.

"Hello Giyu. Are you ready to go?" Tsutako greeted back and asked.

"Yeah. Shall we go now?" Giyu asked and Tsutako nodded.

With that, Giyu and Tsutako went out and later took their seperate ways to give invites to their friends.

1 hour later...

At Kimetsu Academy...

It was lunch time and Kanae was in the staff room with Sabito and Kyojuro.

"Rengoku-San. I'm planning on inviting people I know to my and sister's trip. So I was wondering if you wanna come? It's gonna be fun. Sabito and the others who were with me last night are coming." Kanae said.

"Hmmm. Sorry Kocho! I would love to come! But my family and I already have plans for the Holiday!" Kyojuro replied.

"Oh, no worries. That's okay." Kanae smiled.

"May I ask where you are going?" Kyojuro asked.

"The city of Paraiso." Kanae answered, surprising the two.

"That place? Makomo and I always wanted to go there. But we didn't have much money back then, but now we can go if we want. I'm excited." Sabito smiled.

"The city is so magnificent. The beach, the hot spring and of course, The Infinity Hotel." Kanae replied.

"Ume! I'm sure you're gonna have a bunch of fun! Who else are you inviting?" Kyojuro asked.

"Well, I asked Tsutako and Giyu if they can ask the others like Mitsuri to come along with us." Kanae answered.


With Giyu...

Giyu was walking through the park and later entered Uzui's cafe. As soon Giyu entered the cafe, he saw Makio yelling at the crying Suma and Uzui was just on the counter, just sighing and Hinatsuru just patted his back. Luckily for Uzui, the cafe didn't have anyone ordering or waiting for their drinks, although everyone in the cafe were just looking.

'Why am I surprise that his wives are fighting...' Giyu thought and sighed. And later walked towards the counter.

"Hello Uzui." Giyu greeted.

"Ayeee! Tomioka!! How are you doing!?! How was last night!?" Uzui asked.

"I'm doing fine, and last night was good." Giyu answered.

"Well that's good! So, what can I get you?" Uzui asked.

"No, I'm here for a drink. I'm here to ask if you and your wives wanna come to the Butterfly sisters trip?" Giyu offered.

"Trip? Well where are you going?" Uzui asked.

"Paraiso City." Giyu answered, and the four got excited.

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