Chapter 7: New friend and Old Friend

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Nobody's POV:

"Tsutako Nee-San! I'm very thirsty, when is Giyu Nii-San gonna be back with the drinks!" Nezuko pouted.

"Maybe Giyu is waiting in a big queue. I'll call him." Tsutako responded and grabbed her phone to call Giyu.

"Tsutako Née-San who are these three?" Tanjiro asked.

"Oh, my apology's, Tanjiro, Nezuko. This is Kanae Kocho, Shinobu Kocho and Kanao Tsuyuri." Tsutako said while on the phone trying to call Giyu.

"It's nice to meet you uhhh- which person is which?" Tanjiro asked.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you, I'm Kanae." Kanae giggled.

"I'm Shinobu Kocho and that's Kanao Tsuyuri." Shinobu said.

When Tanjiro looked at Kanao, he had a pink dusted blush. Shinobu noticed the blush and had an idea.

"Tanjiro, why don't sit next to Kanao." Shinobu teased which made the two blush.

"Ehh! A-are you sure?!" Kanao exclaimed.

"Sure! It would be nice if the you were friends since Tanjiro doesn't go to the same school as you." Shinobu said.

"What school does she go to?" Nezuko asked.

"Kimetsu Academy." Shinobu answered.

"Tanjiro and I are going to that same school after the weekend!" Nezuko yelled which shocked the butterfly sisters.

"Really!?" Kanae asked in excitement.

"Y-yeah." Tanjiro answered nervously.

"Well that's great! I'm a teacher at Kimetsu Academy and you can hang out with Kanao!" Kanae teased which made Kanao blush madly.

"Kanao can I ask you something?" Nezuko asked.

"Umm sure." Kanao replied.

"If Tanjiro is gonna be friends with you, can I be your friend too?" Nezuko asked.

This shocked Kanao, but it also made her smile since she only had one friend at her school.

"Yes, we can be friends." Kanao smiled.

"EEEE! Thank you!" Nezuko screamed and hugged Kanao.

Everyone were surprised at Nezuko hugging Kanao despite the fact they just met. While everyone was talking to each other, Tsutako was on the phone trying to get an answer from Giyu. After calling him three times, he finally answered.

G: Hello?
T: Giyu where are you?! Nezuko and Tanjiro are waiting for their drinks and why didn't you answer my first call?!
G: Sorry, had my phone on silent and I just finished ordering the drinks since Uzui was at the back talking to with his wives who were arguing again. So gotta wait for 5 minutes.
T: *Sigh* It's alright since Tanjiro and Nezuko just made a new friend.
G: Really? Who?
T: I'll you when you arrive.
G: Okay. Well I gotta go, cya Nee-San.
T: Cya. (Hangs up)

'Better hurry up Giyu, otherwise Kanao will leave with her sisters and you might not have the chance to see her today.

After the call with Tsutako, Giyu waited for the lattes while holding the orange and apple juice. While Giyu was standing around, he couldn't but notice the blonde man staring at him which made him uncomfortable. Giyu decided walk towards him and talk to him.

"You've been staring at me for a while and it's making me feel uncomfortable, did I do anything to you?" Giyu asked.

"Yeah. You were staring and talking to my future wife." Douma answered

When Giyu heard that, he started to feel disgusted and confused on how someone as beautiful as Shinobu be in a relationship with someone that looks like a rapist. Giyu then remembered the expressions on Shinobu's face when she was with Douma. So he decided to say something.

"I don't think you're in a relationship with that girl." Giyu said bluntly which made Douma pissed off.

"UHHH?!?" Douma yelled which made everyone in the cafe look at the him and Giyu.

"Care to explain what you mean by that dipshit?" Douma asked with a killing aura that began to overwhelm him and everyone except Giyu began shaking.

"I'm gonna go straight to the point. You look like the last person that girl wants to marry, and I think you're the type of asshole who pays no respects to women." Giyu bluntly answered which scared everyone since they fear Douma might punch him in the face for saying something so straight forward.

After Douma heard that, he was fuming and he clenched his fist wanting to beat him up. But in the end he decided it wasn't the time to make this man suffer yet.

"Well I gotta go, since I have an important meeting to attend to." Douma sighed. "Oh and you shouldn't talk to people like that."

With that Douma left the cafe and everyone sighed in relief since nothing extreme happen. After Giyu heard Uzui call out his name and he walked towards the counter to grab the lattes.

"Great flamboyant job at taking care of Douma." Uzui said while passing the lattes to Giyu.

"You know him?" Giyu asked.

"Every time he's in my cafe, he's always hitting on any women he sees, including my wives." Uzui answered with disgust.

'He wants to marry that butterfly pin girl but he's hitting on other women? What a filth.' Giyu thought.

"Well gotta go, Tsutako Née-San is probably waiting too long and I don't want to see her angry. Cya Uzui" Giyu said and started to walk away.

"Take flamboyant care." Uzui said.

As Giyu was leaving the cafe, a girl accidentally bumped into him and she fell down. Giyu looked down to see the girl but he didn't see her face until she looked up to apologise. After she lifted her head up, Giyu was shocked since this was a girl he hasn't seen since kindergarten.


"Koyuki?!" Giyu said.


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